New Ocean Sciences Undergraduate Society- OCEANUS

Oct 15th, 2018

Danielle Nichols

New Ocean Sciences Undergraduate Society- OCEANUS

Are you currently an undergraduate student at MUN with a passion for the Ocean? Are you looking to major in ocean sciences or marine biology? Want to get more involved on campus?

Well OceanUS is for you!

The Ocean Sciences Undergraduate Society is new this year and looking for a strong team of passionate students! Our goal is to ignite a passion of the oceans in others and to learn from one another, bringing education into social and supportive environment. Ideally we would be planning activities and campaigns throughout the year. It’s a great way to get involved on campus. However we can’t get anything done if we don’t have a strong group of passionate students. That’s where you come in! If you’re interested in joining OceanUS in any capacity at all, please do not hesitate to reach out to us on facebook (

With your involvement, OceanUS can become something great!