Community News Update
A new home for Tyler and Deane
Tyler and Deane, Memorial University’s resident seals at the Ocean Sciences Centre (OSC), have successfully been relocated to their new home, the Huntsman Marine Science Centre (HMSC) in St. Andrews, New Brunswick, where they have maintained populations of seals for decades.
The decision to relocate and retire Tyler and Deane was made with a heartfelt dedication to prioritize their long-term welfare and ensure that they can continue to stay together in their new home. We are fortunate and grateful that the HMSC has adopted Tyler and Deane and will care for them in their senior years with their resident harbor seal, Snorkel. We are interacting regularly with HMSC’s seals specialists and are glad to report that both Tyler and Deane are integrating very well into their new habitat at the HMSC’s Fundy Discovery Aquarium.
Seals were an important part of the OSC’s Public Education Program, which attracts thousands of visitors of all ages yearly. We are looking forward to continuing to share our passion for the oceans with our visitors over the coming months and sharing progress on a few projects in the works to celebrate years of seals hosting and ocean-focused research at the OSC. Stay tuned as we prepare for another exciting summer season showcasing some of the ocean wonders!
Rick's Visit to the Ocean Sciences Center