The Art of Healing: Depictions of Medical Care in the Ancient Greek and Roman World
Join Dr. Tana Allen, professor, Department of Classics, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and vice-president (research) at Memorial University, for a lively talk exploring images of health care from antiquity. How did ancient physicians treat their patients? What were the facilities like? Where could the ailing seek help? What would we say about similar images from today? These and other questions contemplating the existence of a varied, complicated, but often effective healthcare system are addressed through close readings of objects and artifacts.
Admission by donation.
This talk is one of the events in our The Science of the Arts Series. 2024 was named the year of the Arts in our province, and to celebrate we’ve put together an exciting event series, The Science of the Arts, that will explore the relationship between Arts and Sciences. Are these two worlds as different as they sometimes appear? Join us as we hear guests of all backgrounds give their take on this interesting intersection.
Location: Johnson Geo Centre
Date and Time: Thursday, Oct. 10 at 07:00 PM - 08:30 PM (NDT)