Post-Graduate Recruitment Programs
Many programs exist in both the public and private sectors to recruit talented graduates. The following is a list of some of these programs for your reference.
Public Sector
Government of Canada - Post-Secondary Recruitment (PSR) Program
The Post-Secondary Recruitment (PSR) program is a virtual gateway for job-seeking college or university graduates. Opportunities are available in the following career streams:
- Information Management and Information Technology
- Science and Engineering
- Technical Fields, Labour and Trades
- Policy, Business and Human Resources
- Programs, Services and Procurement
Application requirements and deadlines vary. You can check their website for further information each year.
Specific government agencies also recruit post-secondary graduates, including the following:
- Statistics Canada
- Advanced Policy Analyst Program
- Treasury Board of Canada
- Natural Resources Canada - Postdoctoral Research Program
- Natural Resources Canada - Policy Analyst Recruitment and Development Program
Private Sector
Many private sector companies also recruit post-secondary graduates. 'The Career Directory' from Canada's Top 100 allows you to explore employers in Canada based on your degree and/or field of study.
Once you have identified possible employers, you may want to explore their website for information on their specific post-graduate programs. The following is a sample list of companies that offer post-graduate recruitment programs: