EDGE Facilitators

The workshops and programs offered through EDGE are led by subject matter experts internal and external to the University. Our facilitators include some of our very best faculty members, community leaders, and industry practitioners. Together, they offer graduate students holistic view of and training in the diverse skills and competencies that will help them be successful in their programs and careers. Please use the links below to learn more about our facilitators and their backgrounds and qualifications.

  • Adams, Russell - Professor of Psychology and Pediatrics & Chair, Interdisciplinary Committee on Ethics in Human Research (ICEHR)

  • Alison, Farrell - Research Data Management and Public Services Librarian, Health Sciences Library             
  • Badenhorst, Cecile - Associate Professor, Adult Education/Post-Secondary, Faculty of Education
  • Best, Carolyn - Manager, The Writing Centre

  • Boon, Sonja - Associate Professor & Graduate Officer, Department of Gender Studies 

  • Doyle, Melanie - Educational Developer, Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL)

  • Drodge, Susan - Public Servant in Residence, School of Graduate Studies

  • Dyer, Danny - Professor, Mathematics and Statistics

  • Fabretto, Cristina - Per-Course Teaching-Term Appointee, Italian, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures

  • Fitzpatrick, Beverly -  Assistant Professor, Pharmacy/Education

  • Gamsby, Patrick - Scholarly Communications Librarian
  • Hodder, Morris - Voice Coach 

  • Keating, Andrea - Career & Academic Advisor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Sarah Khalil – PhD Candidate in Civil Engineering at Memorial University

  • Lovas, Judit - Career Success Coach, Judit Lovas Coaching and Consulting

  • Lye, Leonard -  Professor Emeritus & Former Associate Dean (Graduate Studies) Engineering and Applied Science 

  • Mendonça, Paula - Director, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Technology Transfer and Commercialization Office 

  • Miller, David - Director, Research Grants and Contract Services
  • Molloy, Christine - Instructional Designer, Curriculum Development Specialist and Instructor, Marine Institute
  • Romme, Kristen - Public Services Librarian, Health Sciences Library