New scholarship set to 'empower' students

A new endowed scholarship at Memorial honours a well-respected business leader in the community.
Fortis Inc. has established the scholarship in recognition of H. Stanley Marshall and his significant contribution to the success of the corporation.
Mr. Marshall's career with Fortis spanned 35 years, and he served as president and chief executive officer for more than 18 years before his retirement at the end of 2014. The inaugural scholarship will pay out $7,500 and will be awarded in the 2015-16 scholarship year.
"We are delighted Fortis is choosing to honour the legacy and career achievements of Mr. Marshall through this tremendous support for international students who will study at Memorial," said President Kachanoski. “This new scholarship will empower our students, allowing them to excel and succeed in their chosen fields of study. Memorial is proud of its longstanding relationship with Fortis and is grateful for this meaningful gift."
The Fortis Inc.-H. Stanley Marshall Scholarship will support undergraduate students from a Caribbean country entering a professional school or faculty at Memorial University. Preference will be given to eligible students from the countries of Belize, Turks and Caicos Islands and Cayman Islands. Mr. Marshall's business and personal connections with the Caribbean region date back to 1999 when Fortis acquired an electric utility in Belize, which also marked the corporation's first acquisition outside North America. Mr. Marshall was instrumental in establishing an engineering scholarship program at Memorial in 2006 for Belizean students.
During his tenure as a board member with Caribbean Utilities and FortisTCI, which serve the islands of Grand Cayman and Turks and Caicos, respectively, Mr. Marshall was also instrumental in the development of student scholarship guidelines that focused on attracting and retaining top talent at these Fortis utilities.
Champion of academic opportunities
“Mr. Marshall is one of the most well-respected business leaders in Canada and in the North American utility industry, and we believe the establishment of the Fortis Inc.-H. Stanley Marshall Scholarship is a fitting tribute to his leadership and business accomplishments," said Barry Perry, president and CEO, Fortis Inc.
“Mr. Marshall is a strong advocate of education and a champion of academic opportunities that enable young people to pursue fulfilling careers. The Fortis Inc.-H. Stanley Marshall Scholarship will provide financial support to some of the students who have the potential to become future business and community leaders," added Mr. Perry, an alumnus of the Faculty of Business Administration.
For more information, please contact the Scholarships and Awards Office. More information on the scholarship is also available in the University Calendar.