
Students admitted to the first year of the bachelor of engineering degree program who have either completed (at Memorial University or through transfer credit) or who are eligible to register for Mathematics 1000, Physics 1050 and Chemistry 1050 in their first semester should be able to complete all Engineering One courses during their first three semesters.

Admitted students who are not eligible to register for Physics 1050 and Chemistry 1050 in their first semester may take an alternate slate of courses in these subjects in order to meet the requirements for promotion to term 3. These are described in the notes following the sample program.

Engineering One

Students pursuing a bachelor of engineering degree will normally take the following courses as part of Engineering One in their first year:

Mathematics 10001 Mathematics 10011
Physics 10502 Physics 10512
Chemistry 10503 Mathematics 2050
two engineering courses
(1010 or 1020 and 1030 or 1040/10504,5)
two engineering courses
(1010 or 1020 and 1030 or 1040/10504,5)
1000-level English or Memorial University critical reading & writing (CRW) course
Engineering 200W6   
  1. Selection of a mathematics course depends on your background and ability. You should refer to the math course criteria chart prior to selecting your first-semester course.
  2. Students registered in Physics 1050 must also be registered in or have credit for Mathematics 1000. Students who complete Physics 1020 in their first semester with a grade of at least 70% may take Physics 1051 in the second semester. Physics 1051 requires Mathematics 1001 to be completed concurrently (or as a prerequisite). Students who complete Physics 1020 with a grade of less than 70% must complete Physics 1021 before 1051 in order to meet the Engineering One physics requirements.
  3. At the St. John’s campus, students who are not eligible to register for Chemistry 1050 in the fall semester may complete Chemistry 1010. Students who achieve a grade of at least 60% in Chemistry 1010 may register for Chemistry 1050 in the winter semester.
  4. At the St. John’s campus, students who have completed Level III/Grade 12 physics may take Engineering 1040 in their first semester. Students who have not completed a physics course at this level should take Engineering 1040 in the second semester of Engineering One concurrently with Physics 1051.
  5. ENGI 1040 will be offered until Spring 2024. Effective fall 2024, ENGI 1040 will be replaced by ENGI 1050.
  6. Students intending to complete a work term in the spring semester are expected to complete Engineering 200W, Work Term Preparation and Professional Development, in the fall semester of Engineering One. Students who are unable to complete 200W in the fall will complete it in the winter semester of Engineering One, but will be ineligible for a spring work term.

Although courses in Engineering One are offered on a credit basis and the engineering courses will be offered in each of the three semesters, it is recommended that students take two engineering courses in each of the fall and winter semesters. The engineering course pairs 1010/1020 and 1030/1040 (1030/1050 effective fall 2024) are offered in single slots so that students can only take one from each pair in the fall and winter semesters. Each pair are in conflict, students must choose ENGI 1010 or 1020 and then ENGI 1030 or 1040/1050. All four courses are offered separately in the spring semester.

Promotion from Engineering One

All students must successfully complete the requirements of Engineering One prior to being promoted to academic term 3 (second year). All engineering students who meet promotion requirements from Engineering One at the end of the academic year of admission will be guaranteed a place in academic term 3, although not necessarily in their preferred major.

The minimum requirements for promotion to academic term 3 are:

  • a grade of at least 55% in each of Chemistry 1050 (or 1200), Engineering 1010, 1020, 1030 and 1040, three credit hours in English at the 1000 level or any critical reading and writing course, Mathematics 1001, Mathematics 2050, and Physics 1051.
  • an overall average of at least 65% in the above nine courses. 

In order to remain in the engineering program, a student admitted to Engineering One must complete the requirements for promotion to academic term 3 before the end of the academic year following the academic year of admission. Therefore, a student in Engineering One will have at most two years (6 semesters) to complete all requirements for promotion to academic term 3.

Assignment to engineering major

Students in Engineering One apply for an engineering major by submitting a rank order of their preferred majors in the winter or spring semester. Students with an Engineering One promotion average of 75% or higher are guaranteed to be assigned their first-choice major. Other students who meet minimum promotion requirements are assigned to majors based on a competitive process for limited space in each major.

The faculty reserves the right to limit the number of spaces available in each major. The faculty also reserves the right to guarantee admission to a particular major at the time of admission to the engineering program.

Contact information

For assistance with course selection, contact the Academic Advising Centre.

For additional program information, visit the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science or email Cheryl Keough.