Dr. James Gauld appointed dean of Science
The search committee for the role of dean of the Faculty of Science has completed its work and recommended Dr. James Gauld for the position.
Dr. Bing Chen appointed interim dean of Engineering and Applied Science
Dr. Bing Chen was appointed interim dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science (FEAS) effective Jan. 1, 2025, until Dec. 31, 2025.
Dr. Octavia Dobre appointed dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
The search committee for the role of dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science has completed its work and recommended Dr. Octavia Dobre for the position.
Dr. Karen Bulmer appointed dean of Music
The search committee for the role of dean of the School of Music has completed its work and recommended Dr. Karen Bulmer for the position.
Dr. April Pike appointed dean, Faculty of Nursing
The search committee for the role of dean of the Faculty of Nursing has completed its work and recommended Dr. April Pike for the position.
Hello students!
A message from Memorial’s provost and vice-president (academic) pro tempore
Dr. Jennifer Lokash honoured with national women's leadership award
Dr. Jennifer Lokash, provost and vice-president (academic) at Memorial University is a recipient of the 2024 Angela Hildyard Recognition Award in the emerging leader category, presented by Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada.
Dr. Travor Brown appointed dean of Business Administration
The search committee for the role of dean of the Faculty of Business Administration has completed its work and recommended Dr. Travor Brown for the position.
Interim appointment updates
The following interim appointment updates were recently approved by the president and the Board of Regents.
Dr. Anne-Marie Sullivan appointed dean of Human Kinetics and Recreation
The search committee for the role of dean of the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation (HKR) has completed its work. It has recommended Dr. Anne-Marie Sullivan for the position.
Dr. Amy Warren appointed associate VP (academic) and dean of Graduate Studies
The search committee for the role of associate vice-president (academic) (AVPA) and dean of the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) has completed its work.
Search committee - dean Engineering and Applied Science
In accordance with Procedures Governing the Appointment, Review, Promotion and Tenure of Academic Administrators, a search committee has been established for the role of dean, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science.
Interim dean appointed
Dr. Dolores McKeen has been appointed interim dean of the Faculty of Medicine.
Appointment of interim associate vice-president (academic)
Dr. Dennis Peters has been appointed interim associate vice-president (academic), effective August 1, 2023 until July 31, 2024.
Revised course evaluation process launching for spring 2023 semester
Work is underway to implement a new technology solution for the revised student course feedback instrument, now titled the Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ), and related processes.
Collegial governance committee membership
The process to appoint members of the Collegial Governance Committee, which was established in response to the letter of understanding to review collegial governance at Memorial, part of the MUNFA Collective Agreement 2023-2026, is complete.
Internal search for dean, School of Human Kinetics and Recreation and appointment extension
Memorial University is seeking an innovative and energetic individual from within the Memorial community who will provide strong leadership in their role as dean of the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation (HKR).
Leadership changes in the Faculty of Business Administration
Dr. Isabelle Dostaler will complete her term in the role of dean of the Faculty of Business Administration on August 31, 2022.
Search committee established
In accordance with the Procedures Governing the Appointment, Review, Promotion and Tenure of Academic Administrators, a search committee has been established for the role of vice-provost, Labrador Campus and dean, School of Arctic and Subarctic Studies.
Memorial's COVID-19 response
The latest information on Memorial's response to COVID-19 is available here.
Update for students, employees and instructors
Information for instructors, remote workers, students and employees.
Update on final exams for Winter 2020 semester
Students are advised that there will be no final exams taking place on campus in April. This includes both on campus and online invigilated exams. A proposal regarding final exams has been approved.
Update from the Office of the Vice-President (Research)
Activities for faculty, staff and students (undergraduate and graduate) in all research laboratories will be suspended from 8 a.m. Wednesday, March 18, onward.
Update for employees regarding work arrangements
Following the message earlier today regarding suspension of classes, employees should consult with their managers immediately regarding their work arrangement.
Update on suspension of classes and change in library hours - 12:55 p.m.
Based on ongoing consultation with units and a determination of their ability to be responsive, and the evolving public health environment, Memorial University has moved up the timeline for suspension of all classes. As of end of day Tuesday, March 17, all classes (in person and online) on all campuses will be suspended. Unless your individual instructor has advised otherwise, all academic programming, including midterms and evening classes, will go ahead today, March 17. Remote delivery of classes is scheduled to resume on Monday, March 23, as previously announced. Students with questions about their classes should contact their instructor.
Update on COVID-19 response - March 16
This important update includes information for students, faculty and staff. Of particular note: all students who reside on the island of Newfoundland are required to vacate student residences by end of day, Friday, March 20. Childcare Centre is closed immediately until further notice. Memorial is encouraging remote work with the understanding that university priorities are the health and safety of students, faculty and staff; maintaining the academic integrity of the semester; and critical university operations. To allow for social distancing and to help employees manage the current demands, employees are asked to work with their supervisor to facilitate remote work arrangements where operationally feasible. Unless you currently have arrangements with your supervisor, report to work as scheduled.
Memorial suspending classes Wednesday, March18, returning remotely March 23
Update from Memorial's COVID-19 Emergency Operations Centre: the university is suspending all classes and labs (both face-to-face and those currently offered online) at the end of the day on Wednesday, March 18. Instruction is scheduled to resume remotely on Monday, March 23. During this time, the university will remain open which means employees will report to work, research activity, work-terms and clinical placements will continue. Academic and student support units such as the Libraries will remain open.
Labrador Institute suspends travel
The Labrador Institute is following Memorial University’s protocols, advisories and recommendations for COVID-19 emergency response planning. However, in light of LI's obligations to people and communities in Labrador, and recognizing the unique geographic and healthcare-related challenges in the region, the Labrador Institute is implementing additional changes.
MUNSU actions to combat spread of coronavirus
MUNSU is taking several actions to combat the spread of coronavirus on campus and in its spaces, including cancelling all non-essential meetings and events with attendance of 25 or more people and suspending all space bookings at The Loft (UC-3013), the Loft Table, the 6th Floor Boardroom (UC-6011), and the MUNSU Council Chambers (UC-2001).
Relaxed requirements for employee sick notes
Memorial is following the decision of regional health authorities (RHA) and is relaxing the usual requirement and waiving notes for employees experiencing respiratory illness less than 14 days.
Limits on non-essential gatherings
Memorial is putting limitations on non-essential gatherings on its campuses. Classes, labs and other academic activities are continuing at this point. Non-essential gatherings and external events of more than 25 people should be cancelled or postponed.
Memorial suspends outbound travel
Memorial University is actively monitoring the evolving situation regarding COVID-19. In light of our obligations to our university community as well as to stakeholders across the province and the rest of the world, Memorial has decided to suspend all outbound travel (including international and outside the province) until further notice; and require any university-related travel to Labrador be reviewed by the relevant dean, director or unit head.
Directions for those feeling ill
If you have travelled outside Newfoundland and Labrador and are now experiencing fever, cough or difficulty breathing, do not go to the emergency department – students should not go to the Student Wellness and Counselling Centre; instead please stay home and call 811 to speak to a registered nurse.
If you are severely ill and feel you need emergency medical attention, please call 911 and ensure you tell them about your travel history.
IPC reports
Integrated Planning Committee completes consultation and recommendation reports.
Activation of Pandemic Preparedness Committee
While the risk of COVID-19 to Newfoundland and Labrador residents remains low, Memorial has re-established a Pandemic Preparedness Committee (PPC), last constituted during the H1N1 pandemic.
Equity, diversity and inclusion
A Q&A with renowned scholar Dr. Malinda Smith
Update on search for dean, School of Social Work
The search committee for the role of dean, School of Social Work has released a position advertisement and full position profile. Full details on the role are available here.
Search committee - director, Wellness and Counselling Centre
A search committee has been established for the role of director, Student Wellness and Counselling Centre.
Search committee established
In accordance with the Procedures Governing the Appointment, Review, Promotion and Tenure of Academic Administrators, a search committee has been established for the role of dean, School of Social Work.
Dean of Nursing - review
Dr. Alice Gaudine’s appointment as Dean, Faculty of Nursing expires on December 4, 2019. Dr. Gaudine has indicated her desire to be reappointed for a second term, and in accordance with the Procedures Governing the Appointment, Review, Promotion and Tenure of Academic Administrators, a review committee has been established with the following membership:
- Dr. Joy Maddigan
- Dr. Caroline Porr
- Dr. Sandra Small
- Ms. Kathleen Stevens
- Dr. Sean Cadigan, Associate Vice-President (Academic)
- Mr. Brad Greeley, Student representative, MUNSU
- Dr. Jennifer Simpson, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Dr. Kathy Watkins, Director, Centre for Nursing Studies
The review process requires broad consultation with the faculty and the university community. In due course, the committee will be seeking the input of faculty members, staff and students. Such input is critically important to the process, and I encourage everyone to participate.
What We Did
Integrated Planning Committee completes budget report
Teaching and Learning 2.0
Memorial University is launching a renewed Teaching and Learning Framework (TLF), building on the spirit of collaboration and community in 21st-century learning that was the focus of the first TLF, launched in 2011.
Organizational structure changes in the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
At its Oct. meeting, the Board of Regents approved changes to the organizational structure of the leadership team reporting to the provost and vice-president (academic). The resulting structure is a more streamlined and more cohesive senior academic leadership group that will act in an advisory capacity to the provost and vice-president (academic).
University Buildings Strategy - Science Building
As Memorial prepares for the planned fall 2020 opening of the Core Science Facility (CSF) and Animal Resource Centre (ARC), and relocation of units currently located in the Chemistry/Physics, Science, Engineering and Applied Science and Biotechnology Buildings, the opportunity to evaluate the utilization of space on campus has become a priority.
Search committee established
A search committee has been established for the role of dean, Faculty of Education
Director appointed to CITL
Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning role filled
Dean appointed
Dr. Linda Rohr to take helm of School of Human Kinetics and Recreation
Search committee established for AVP(A), Students
A search committee has been established for the role of Associate Vice-President (Academic), Students.
Review of Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning
Dr. Noreen Golfman, provost and vice-president (academic) has initiated a review of CITL.
Budget consultations
Memorial University is seeking input from faculty, staff and students to inform the university’s budget plan for the 2018-2019 budget cycle and beyond.
Searches begin
Search committees established for leadership roles in HKR, CITL
Director of Faculty Relations appointed
Geoff Williams appointed to Office of Faculty Relations
Dean of Pharmacy appointed
Dr. Shawn Bugden appointed dean of School of Pharmacy
Senate receives updates
Memorial University’s academic governing body held a special meeting recently to discuss issues of critical importance to the institution.
New university registrar
Thomas Nault appointed university registrar at Memorial
Dean appointed to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
The search committee for the role of dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences has completed its work and recommended Dr. Jennifer Simpson for the position.
Acting dean appointed
Dr. Dennis Peters has been appointed acting dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science effective Sept. 1, 2017, until Nov. 30, 2017.
Dean appointed to the Faculty of Business Administration
The search committee for the role of dean of the Faculty of Business Administration has completed its work and has recommended Dr. Isabelle Dostaler for the position.
SAO Competency Development Model featured in University Manager magazine
A leadership development model created by a team from Memorial University has been featured in University Manager magazine's summer 2017 edition.
Acting dean
Dr. Rhonda Joy has been appointed acting dean of the Faculty of Education effective April 17, 2017, until July 17, 2017.
Call for submissions
Memorial is accepting applications for the Vice-Presidents Council Cross-Campus Initiatives Fund and Conference Fund.
Dean reappointed
Dr. Greg Naterer has been renewed for a second term as dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science effective Aug. 1, 2017.
Search committee, director, Faculty Relations
A search committee has been established for the role of director, Faculty Relations.
Transformational teaching
Educators from across disciplines and campuses will gather on Memorial’s St. John’s campus for a day of reflection, conversation, transformation and community-building on April 27.
University-wide consultation on draft Learning & Teaching Framework 2017-2022
Unviersity seeking input on draft Learning & Teaching Framework 2017-2022.
Aboriginal Peoples Week
The second annual Aboriginal Peoples Week at Memorial University’s St. John’s campus will take place from March 20-24.
Update on Blundon Centre Review Report Recommendations
Since the release of the Glenn Roy Blundon Centre Review Report in Nov. 2016, Memorial University has been moving forward to address the recommendations presented in the report, and has initiated a comprehensive consultation process to revise the Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Policy.
Integrating units
Board approves integration of Office of Student Recruitment with Office of the Registrar
Supports for Memorial students,faculty and staff affected by U.S travel restrictions
Memorial University is providing supports for students, faculty and staff affected by the U.S travel restrictions. Read more here.
Employment Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee membership
In late 2016, Dr. Noreen Golfman, provost and vice-president (academic), requested recommendations from the university community for the appointment of five employees to the new Employment Equity and Diversity Advisory Committee. Vice-Presidents Council has established the committee for the purpose of providing advice on matters relating to diversity, equity and inclusion in employment.
Teaching and Learning Framework Review
The Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) has initiated a review to assess the outcomes of the Teaching and Learning Framework and pave the way for a new framework.
Review committee established for dean of Engineering and Applied Scence
Review of Memorial's dean of engineering and applied science begins
Leadership change in the Office of the Registrar
Sheila Singleton, a longtime employee of Memorial University, will retire from her position as university registrar on Nov. 24, 2016.
New academic leadership
Dr. Sean Cadigan appointed associate vice-president (academic) programs, complement planning and development.
Director appointed to Labrador Institute
Dr. Ashlee Cunsolo appointed director of the Labrador Institute
Susan Cleyle appointed university librarian
The search committee for the position of university librarian has completed its work and has recommended Susan Cleyle for the position. President Gary Kachanoski has accepted the recommendation and the Board of Regents approved the appointment on June 8, 2016. Ms. Cleyle will begin a five-year term effective Aug. 1, 2016.
Academic leadership changes
A number of important academic leadership changes that will take place in the coming months were approved by the Board of Regents on June 8, 2016.
Dr. Margaret Steele appointed dean of the Faculty of Medicine
The search committee for the dean of the Faculty of Medicine has completed its work and has recommended Dr. Margaret Steele for the position. President Gary Kachanoski has accepted the recommendation and the Board of Regents approved the appointment on June 8, 2016. Dr. Steele will begin a five-year term effective Aug. 15, 2016.
Call for proposals
The Cross-Campus Initiatives Fund and Conference Fund are now accepting applications.
Dean reappointed in the Faculty of Education
Dr. Kirk Anderson has been renewed for a second term as dean of the Faculty of Education effective Sept. 1, 2016.
Search committee and position profile established for new academic leadership role
Dr. Noreen Golfman, provost and vice-president (academic), has established a search committee and finalized a position profile for the new role of associate vice-president (academic), programs, complement planning and development.
New dean for the School of Graduate Studies
The search committee for the dean of the School of Graduate Studies has completed its work and has recommended Dr. Aimée Surprenant for the position.
Leadership change in the School of Pharmacy
Dr. Carlo Marra, dean of the School of Pharmacy, has accepted the role of dean of the School of Pharmacy at the University of Otago in New Zealand. He will remain in his role at Memorial until Aug. 1, 2016.
Dean appointed
The Search Committee for the Dean of the School of Music has completed its work and has recommended Dr. Ian Sutherland for the position.
Teaching and Learning Framework St. John's Campus Funding Competition 2016-2017
The call for applications to the Teaching and Learning Framework St. John’s Campus Funding Competition 2016-2017 is open.
Budget process - amendment to the Procedure for Travel Requests
In advance of the 2016 provincial budget, Memorial has been asked by government to consider various cost-saving scenarios for discussion during this year’s budget process.
Cross-Campus Initiatives Fund and Conference Fund calls for proposals now open
Applications are now being accepted for the Vice-Presidents Council Cross-Campus Initiatives Fund and Conference Fund.
Administrative Leave Policy - draft for consultation
On September 22, 2015, Vice-Presidents Council approved a proposal for a revised policy Administrative Leave for Academic Administrators.
Academic leadership updates
Two academic leadership appointments were approved by the Board of Regents at its meeting on Dec. 3, 2015.
Leadership changes in the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic)
At its meeting on Dec. 3, 2015, the Board of Regents approved a proposal to restructure the academic leadership team in the Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic).
Acting director appointed to the Labrador Institute
Dr. Martha MacDonald has been appointed to serve as acting director of the Labrador Institute effective Nov. 23, 2015, until a permanent director is appointed.
Update on search for dean, School of Graduate Studies
In summer 2015 a search committee was established for the role of dean of the School of Graduate Studies. The work of the search committee is ongoing and expressions of interest will be received up to Friday, Jan. 8, 2016.
Review committee announced for dean, Faculty of Education
Dr. Kirk Anderson’s five-year term as dean of the Faculty of Education expires on August 31, 2016. Dr. Anderson has indicated that he wishes to be considered for reappointment for a second term. In accordance with the Procedures Governing the Appointment, Review, Promotion and Tenure of Academic Administrators, a review committee has been established.
Continued growth in graduate student enrolment at Memorial
This fall, according to the Association of Atlantic Universities (AAU) 2015-16 Preliminary Survey of Enrolments released in October, Memorial is home to the largest number of graduate students among universities in Atlantic Canada.
Search committee announced for director, Labrador Institute
A search committee has been established for the role of director of the Labrador Institute.
Memorial University enrolment figures for fall 2015
The fall 2015 semester at Memorial University is in full swing and enrolment figures are in. There are 18,413 students enrolled at Memorial’s campuses. Graduate enrolment continues to increase and undergraduate enrolment has remained steady as expected
New self-directed learning award takes education above and beyond
The new Memorial University Award for Outstanding Self-directed Learning celebrates undergraduate students with the qualities and skills that enable them to manage their own learning and successfully undertake self-directed learning projects.
Cross-Campus Initiatives and Conference Fund calls for proposals now open
Applications are now being accepted for the Vice-Presidents Council Cross-Campus Initiatives Fund and Conference Fund.
Acting dean appointed in the Faculty of Business Administration
Dr. Dale Foster has been appointed dean pro tempore of the Faculty of Business Administration effective Oct. 1, 2015, until Dec. 31, 2015.
Director of Internationalization Office appointed
The search committee for the director of the Internationalization Office has completed its work and recommended Sonja Knutson for the position.
Memorial University's Board of Regents approves budget proposal
Memorial University’s Board of Regents has approved the university’s budget for 2015-16 as proposed by the administration.
Search committee established for new dean of the School of Graduate Studies
A search committee for a new dean of the School of Graduate Studies has been established.
Search resumes for dean of the Faculty of Medicine
The search for a new dean of the Faculty of Medicine that was postponed pending the appointment of a permanent provost and vice-president (academic) has resumed.
Information about budget planning
The Vice-Presidents Council (VPC) is working to address the serious and complex budgetary challenges facing Memorial University. As this important work continues, VPC is committed to listening to the questions and concerns of the university community and sharing information whenever possible.
Adjudication panel established for Teaching and Learning Framework funding competition
An adjudication panel has been established to review applications to the Teaching and Learning Framework St. John’s Campus Funding Competition. The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2015.
Historic day
Dr. Noreen Golfman, provost and vice-president (academic), was installed as Memorial’s first female pro vice-chancellor during spring convocation May 26.
Cross-Campus Initiatives and Conference Fund calls for proposals now open
Applications are now being accepted for the Vice-Presidents Council Cross-Campus Initiatives Fund and Conference Fund.
The Cross-Campus Initiatives Fund is meant to encourage and build on existing strategic relationships between Memorial's campuses: the St. John's campus, the Marine Institute, Grenfell Campus, Harlow Campus and the Labrador Institute.
Chairs to build teaching and learning capacity
Thirteen educators at Memorial University have been appointed as Chairs in Teaching and Learning.
Search committees announced for dean, School of Music and university librarian
Separate search committees have been established for the roles of dean, School of Music and university librarian at Memorial University.
Teaching and Learning Framework St. John's Campus Funding Competition applications now being accepted
Applications to the Teaching and Learning Framework (TLF) St. John’s Campus Funding Competition for 2015 are now being accepted through an online application system available at
Academic leadership changes
A number of important academic leadership changes that will take place in the coming months were approved by the Board of Regents on March 26, 2015.
Provost and vice-president (academic) appointed
Dr. Noreen Golfman has been appointed Memorial's provost and vice-president (academic).
Search committee established for director of the Internationalization Centre
A search committee has been established for the position of director, Internationalization Office.
Aboriginal affairs advisor appointed
Catharyn Andersen has been appointed special advisor to the president on Aboriginal affairs.
Funding to encourage creative practices
The new St. John’s Campus TLF Funding Competition will give the Memorial community on the St. John’s campus the resources needed to take their ideas and apply them in short-term (1-2 year maximum duration) projects and proof of concept initiatives.
Interim associate vice-president (academic), faculty affairs appointed
Dr. Sean Cadigan has been appointed associate vice-president (academic), faculty affairs, pro tempore. The appointment is effective May 4.
Memorial University positioned for global success with Strategic Internationalization Plan 2020
Memorial University of Newfoundland has released the Strategic Internationalization Plan 2020, a plan with specific recommendations to guide the university in the implementation of a wide range of ambitious international and intercultural initiatives over the next several years.
Recognize excellence in teaching
Know an excellent teacher? Nominations for the President’s Awards for Excellence in Teaching, and Graduate and Postgraduate Supervision are now being accepted.
Enrolment planning retreat summary report
On Jan. 23, senior academic leaders, faculty, staff, students and administrators gathered to discuss undergraduate enrolment planning for the St. John’s campus as part of the implementation of Enrolment Plan 2020.
Enrolment planning underway at Memorial
Senior academic leaders, faculty, staff, students and administrators gathered on Jan. 23 to discuss undergraduate enrolment planning for the St. John’s campus as part of the implementation of Enrolment Plan 2020, a plan that will guide Memorial towards the achievement of enrolments targets while focusing on the quality of the student experience.
Calls for Cross-Campus Initiative and Conference Fund
Applications are now being accepted for the Vice-Presidents’ Council Cross-Campus Initiatives Fund and Conference Fund. Proposals for both applications must be submitted by Monday, Feb. 16, 2015.
Directors appointed in Ancillary Operations and Student Residences
Rex Coffin has been appointed director, Ancillary Operations, and Bruce Belbin has been appointed director, Student Residences.
New chair program to drive excellence in teaching and learning
The new Chairs in Teaching and Learning program will provide a faculty-level structure to promote new initiatives in teaching and learning
Consultation sessions planned in the New Year for search for provost and vice-president (academic)
Memorial University has begun its search for a new provost and vice-president (academic). A search committee has been established and has been working through the search process during the late fall.
Realignment of the Deputy Provost (Students) Portfolio - Phase Two and Three
At the December 4, 2014 meeting of the Board of Regents, a proposal for the implementation of phases two and three of the realignment of the Deputy Provost (Students) portfolio was approved. Read more....
Dr. Alice Gaudine appointed dean of the School of Nursing
Dr. Alice Gaudine has been appointed dean of Memorial University’s School of Nursing, effective Dec. 5, 2014, for a five-year term.
Research report celebrates collaboration and community
Memorial University has launched its 2014 research report, which features the extraordinary and impactful work of Memorial students and researchers.
National honours for Memorial University researchers
Memorial University researchers received two of five national research awards presented today, one of them regarded as the highest honour a researcher can receive in the social sciences and humanities.
Memorial releases Face Forward: President's Report 2014
Memorial University has released its annual report, titled Face Forward: President’s Report 2014.
New model of co-operative education at Memorial
Memorial is moving toward a more sustainable model of co-operative education which will use resources in more effective and efficient ways than the previous model.
Zerbe reappointed as dean of business faculty
Dr. Wilfred Zerbe has been renewed as dean of the Faculty of Business Administration for a second five-year term, effective January 2015.
Draft of Strategic Internationalization Plan released for university-wide consultation
Dr. Richard Marceau, vice-president (research), released a draft of the Strategic Internationalization Plan 2020 on Tuesday, Sept.16, 2014, for university-wide feedback.
Provost Appoints Steering Committee to draft a new Strategic Internationalization Plan
A new steering committee, commissioned by the provost and vice-president (academic), Dr. David Wardlaw, will lead consultations for the development of a Strategic Internationalization Plan. The steering committee and the process for creating the plan were approved by the Vice-Presidents Council at a meeting on May 26, 2014.
Increasing graduate enrolment and research intensity at Memorial
Memorial’s Board of Regents approved the Enrolment Plan 2020 and the Strategic Research Intensity Plan 2014-20, a set of initiatives that will launch forth new and innovative recommendations to help the university become one of the most graduate-intensive and research-intensive universities in Canada by the end of 2020-21.
$1 million CTIDF funds announced
The 2014-2015 proposals for Classroom Teaching Infrastructure Development (CTIDF) have been evaluated and 24 projects will receive funding.
Panel visits and call for written submissions
Deputy Provost (Students) and Associate Vice-President (Academic) Undergraduate Studies announces panel visits and call for written submissions.
Realignment of Deputy Provost (Students) Portfolio
At the May 8th meeting of the Board of Regents, a proposal for a three-phased administrative realignment of the deputy provost (students) portfolio was approved, including a detailed plan for phase one.
New Student Code of Conduct
Memorial University's new Student Code of Conduct is effective May 12, 2014.
For more information, visit
Realignment of Deputy Provost (Students) Portfolio
In fall 2013, four Visioning Groups were formed to consider specific sets of recommendations in the External Review Report regarding the portfolio of the Deputy Provost (Students) and Associate Vice-President (Academic) Undergraduate Studies. The reports focus on the following areas: Health and Wellness; Housing and Ancillary Services; Office of the Registrar; and Student Affairs and Services. The reports are now available for review on the provost’s website.
University-wide consultation on Enrolment Plan 2020
Today, Dr. David Wardlaw, provost and vice-president (academic), is releasing an advanced draft of the Enrolment Plan 2020 for university-wide feedback.
Board of Regents Appoints Interim Dean of Pharmacy
At its meeting on March 13, 2014, the Board of Regents approved the appointment of Dr. Carla Dillon as Interim Dean effective April 1 to May 31, 2014.
New dean for School of Pharmacy
Dr. Carlo Marra has been appointed as a professor and the new dean of the School of Pharmacy at Memorial University.
Provost releases report on Administrative Review of the Division of Cooperative Education
Today Dr. David Wardlaw, Provost and Vice President (Academic) is releasing a report summarizing an Administrative Review of the Division of Cooperative Education conducted by Jane Helleur & Associates Inc.
Please direct any questions or clarifications on the report or next steps to the office of the Deputy Provost (Students) and Associate Vice-President (Academic) Undergraduate Studies.
New dean for School of Social Work
Dr. Donna Hardy Cox has been appointed dean of the School of Social Work for a five-year term.
Teaching and Learning report recommends healthy campus
Together with the College of the North Atlantic (CNA), Memorial University has completed a comprehensive report highlighting the importance of a healthy campus as the university community works towards expanded inclusiveness.
Accommodating Students with Individual Learning Needs Associated with Disabilities and/or Mental Health Issues was authored by Dr. David Philpott, a professor in Memorial’s Faculty of Education, and Elizabeth Chaulk, CNA.
Understanding a global perspective
Plans are gearing up at Memorial University for the preparation of a white paper on internationalization. These plans were put into motion at the July 16 meeting of the Vice-Presidents’ Council, when members approved the document’s terms of reference.
Board of Regents approves reappointment of dean, other extensions
Dr. Mark Abrahams was renewed as dean of the Faculty of Science for a second five-year term effective Sept. 1.
Review Report of Portfolio of Deputy Provost (Students)
Review Report of Portfolio of Deputy Provost (Students)