Student Residences Awards
The Student Residence awards are awarded annually to students for outstanding leadership, academic accomplishment and/or contribution to the residence community and/or the surrounding community.
Students may be nominated by others for an award or self-nominate. The nomination period is typically open during the first two weeks in February with the winners announced at an annual banquet in April.
View past years award winners:
Honour Society
This society has been established to recognize outstanding leadership by senior students in residence. The award is named in honour of John Louis Paton, the first President of Memorial University College. Election to the society is the highest honour that can be accorded to a student living in residence in consequence of his/her having made an outstanding contribution to the quality of life in residence.
Recipients of the award will have spent at least four semesters in Paton College, Macpherson College and/or Burton's Pond. During the student's stay he/she will have displayed outstanding leadership, contributed significantly to residence activities, and maintained a solid academic standing.
The selection of members will be made by the Deputy Provost in consultation with the Director of Student Residences.
Each member will be given an individual plaque to keep and his/her name will be added to a permanent plaque to be housed in Hatcher House.
Student Leadership Awards
Paton College Crest
The Paton College Crest has traditionally been given to students in residence who have made outstanding contributions to Paton College over a number of years. This is the second highest honour accorded to students in residence. It is given to those students who are worthy of honourable mention, but who are not appointed to the Honour Society because of its exclusive nature.
Recipients of the crest will be senior students who have resided in Paton College for a minimum of four semesters and have been in clear academic standing during all of that time. They must have demonstrated considerable leadership and made substantial contributions to Paton College.
The selection of members will be made by the Deputy Provost in consultation with the Director of Student Residences.
Each person will receive an official copy of the Paton College Crest.
Macpherson College Award
The Macpherson College Award is given to students in residence who have made an outstanding contribution to Macpherson College. This is the second highest honour accorded to students in residence who have demonstrated considerable leadership and made substantial contributions in Shiwak or Cluett Hall while maintaining a solid academic standing. Recipients of the award will be senior students who have resided in Macpherson College for a minimum of four semesters and have been in clear academic standing during all of that time.
The selection of members will be made by the Deputy Provost in consultation with the Director of Student Residences.
Each person will receive a plaque to commemorate the award.
Burton's Pond Award
The Burton's Pond Award has been given to students in residence who have made outstanding contributions to Burton's Pond Apartments over a number of years. This is the second highest honour accorded to students in residence. It is given to those students who are worthy of honourable mention, but who are not appointed to the Honour Society because of its exclusive nature.
Recipients of the plaque will be senior students who have resided in Burton's Pond Apartments for a minimum of four semesters and have been in clear academic standing during all of that time. They must have demonstrated considerable leadership and made substantial contributions to Burton's Pond Apartments.
The selection of members will be made by the Deputy Provost in consultation with the Director of Student Residences.
Each person will receive a plaque to commemorate the award.
The Dr. K. Brian Johnston Award
This award is presented to a resident who, while a society executive member of their residence society, demonstrated outstanding commitment and leadership while improving the lives of fellow residents.
Recipients of this award will have to have served at least 2 semesters on a residence society executive and have been in clear academic standing during that time. The resident must have demonstrated considerable leadership and made substantial contributions to their residence. Final selection of the recipient will be determined by the Residence Life Office in consultation with the Director of Student Residences.
The Alexandra Kirkland Community Builder Award
This award was established by family and friends in memory of Alexandra Kirkland (Nov. 3, 1998-Oct. 3, 2017), a second-year student at Memorial University of Newfoundland and a former resident at Blackall House. Alex was recognized for her intuitive ability and infinite capacity to sense, respect and defend the rights and needs of individuals, to make personal and supportive connections among diverse community members, and to generate a sense of caring and passion driven by her strong personal convictions. She created space for others to flourish in their new home at Memorial. This award was created to honour that power and celebrate the positive impact that Alex had on the Memorial University family.
Valued at a portion of the income of the endowment, the award will be granted annually in the winter semester to a full-time first or second-year student in any area of study at Memorial University who lives in student residence on the St. John’s campus. The recipient will be a student who embodies the same nurturing spirit that Alexandra demonstrated in building community and inspiring inclusiveness in student and university community activities. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by the university.
This award will be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the recommendation of the Director, Student Residences, in consultation with the Manager, Residence Life.