MUNPA logoThe Memorial University of Newfoundand Pensioners' Association (MUNPA) is a non-profit organization that represents the interests of all retired faculty, staff and their principal beneficiaries and dependant orphans.

Visit our facebook group. If you are new to the group, you will be asked to join the group. Need help? Our Information Sheet will help.


AGM 2025 – to be held at Marine Institute

Further details will be posted on our AGM page.


Join US SignWho Can Attend Activities: All retirees of MUN automatically become MUNPA members. Principal Beneficiaries, who are the spouses/partners of deceased retirees, also become MUNPA members. All activities are open to all members. You are always welcome to bring along your spouse, partner or guest. Most events are held at no cost. Where a paid ticket is required, the event notice will clearly state details. 



MUN HR contact regarding pensions and benefits.



Please visit the MUN website for latest information on COVID-19 updates.



Items of Interest

2024  Tribute Award nominations deadline is June 30 Know Your Benefits: Articles by Mr. Glen Roberts, Manager, Benefits, Pensions and Compensation
Your Voice SignRead the latest issue of YOUR VOICE, Nov-Dec 2022.     A bag of groceriesGive to your local Campus Food Bank. MUNPA is a proud supporter of the Food Banks affiliated with Memorial's St. John's and Grenfell Campuses.  Support is through food donations collected at events, proceeds from a Christmas cake auction and/or cash donations. We encourage all our members to give generously either through food donations or financial support to these very worthwhile charities. The St. John's Campus Food Bank website has information on donating, including through payroll deduction. Contact Grenfell Campus Student Housing, Residence #201 during normal business hours for Food Bank donation information.  



What MUNPA Does 

MUNPA advocates for its members through membership on the University Pensions and Benefits committees, and membership in the College and University Retiree Associations of Canada (CURAC). It maintains an ongoing relationship with administrative offices on campus, serving as your voice on issues of importance. Our administrative office is there to take member calls and emails, process correspondence and mail, and provide support to the MUNPA Board of Directors as needed. It is staffed on a part-time basis.

Please consider becoming an active MUNPA supporter - a great bargain at only $2 per month. This fee enables us to cover the costs of our talks, group activities, socials, and Annual General Meeting. It also covers the staffing costs in our administrative office and allows us to produce our newsletter, Your Voice, on a regular basis. This is not a compulsory fee for members, but without it we cannot maintain the full slate of no-cost MUNPA services currently available.

Learn More About MUNPA ...

This web site is hosted through the support of the university administration. MUNPA thanks them for their generosity.





Liz Ohle

Bruce Whitelaw

Read more: 2024 MUNPA Tribute Awards 
