Tri-agency Financial Guidelines - Training Course on D2L

The tri-agency financial guidelines training course on D2L is primarily intended for the financial administration staff within the departments and for researchers.  Please note that this is supplementary to the guide on the tri-agency website. 

This training course is on the financial administration guidelines for tri-agency awards and grants (CIHR, SSHRC and NSERC).

Some of the topics include providing an overview of the tri-agency awards and grants, roles and responsibilities, use of grant funds and supporting documentation, financial reporting requirements and residual balances, extensions and it also provides some additional support and resources to assist you.

In light of the tri-agency monitoring visit, it is strongly recommended that all researchers and departmental financial administration staff who have signing authority on tri-agency grants make sure that they are fully aware of the guidelines and take the opportunity to complete this training course.

To access this training course please click on the below link: