


Theatre, Film & Social Justice 2025

Join us at MUN’s Harlow Campus in England for Fall 2025! Study world class theatre, watch and create films, and learn about social justice from local activists.

Classes can be used towards an English, Anthropology, or CMST degree. Students from any discipline can attend.

To find out more, join our Facebook information page:

Or contact Dr. Jamie Skidmore or Dr. Andrea Procter:


Memorial Congratulates Anthropology Fellows of the School of Graduate Studies

The Department of Anthropology is pleased to announce that Heidi Haering and Sadie Mees have both been awarded the title Fellow of the School of Graduate Studies, in recognition of their continued academic excellence.

Are you interested in joining the MUN Anthropology Society?

With a ratified society you have the opportunity to network with peers and pros, make friends and have fun new experiences!

We can’t do it without you though! Please show your interest by contacting Don't forget to follow us on instagram @munlanthsociety.

Positions are available if you would like to become an executive member.


Indigenous Insights

The province’s largest cultural space has partnered with the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, to amplify Indigenous voices through the Indigenous Speakers Series. Read more in the Gazette


Department of Anthropology Seeking Applications for Lecturer or Teaching Assistant Professor

Applications now closed.

The Department of Anthropology is seeking applications for a nine-month term appointment at the rank of Lecturer or Teaching Assistant Professor, commencing August 1, 2024. The successful candidate will be responsible for teaching six courses (Introduction to Anthropology, 2 sections of Critical Indigenous Studies, Indigenous Self-Governance, Anthropology of Food, and Global Environmental Crises) over two semesters.



Employment Opportunity - Full Professor, Headship, Department of Anthropology

The Department of Anthropology invites applications for the position of Head of Department. The department covers Sociocultural and Linguistic Anthropology, and the area of specialization within these subfields is open. The successful candidate is expected to have a record of academic leadership and excellence in teaching and research, be prepared to contribute to the department’s undergraduate and graduate programs, and have an active research program. The new head of department will be able to play a key role in the growth and future direction of the department with commitments to equitable leadership, support of diverse careers as well as diversity and inclusion in the field of Anthropology, and a commitment to supporting Indigenization, decolonization, and anti-racism. Prospective candidates should be appointable at the rank of Professor.

Employment Opportunity - Head of Department (Anthropology)

Adjunct Professor Andrea Procter Releases Avanimiut Through Memorial University Press

Anthropology Adjunct Professor Andrea Procter has released her book, Avanimiut: A History of Inuit Independence in Northern Labrador, through Memorial University Press


Julian Kapfumvuti Receives TD Graduate Bursary for Environmental Study

Julian Kapfumvuti has been award the TD Graduate Bursary for Environmental Study for the 2023/2024 scholarship year. Click the link to read the award letter from Dr. Amy Warren, Interim Associate Vice-President (Academic), and Dean, School of Graduate Studies.


Graduate Student Opportunity: Seeking M.A. and Ph.D. Students in Anthropology, Geography, and Archaeology

We are seeking graduate students either at the Ph.D. and M.A. levels, in Geography, Anthropology and Archaeology/Heritage studies interested in pursuing research on some of these broadly defined topics. Check out the news article for more details! 



Congrats to All Students Named to the 2021-2022 Dean's List!

Congratulations to all students named to the 2021-2022 Dean's List, as well as the Program Book Prize winners, and receipients of the Dean's Award for Academic Excellence, and the HSS International Student Excellence Award. 


Finding an elective has never been easier

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) has hundreds of courses that have zero or one prerequisite. To make it easy for our students to find electives of interest, we have launched a searchable listing of electives that you can browse by semester and subject. 


Fall Welcome Session for New Students

On Sept. 6, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is hosting a welcome event to help new students get started on the right track. At this interactive event, you'll hear from the Dean and Associate Dean of Curriculum and Programs, learn more about areas of study in HSS, and meet other HSS students! Register now:


HSS Commons Student Space Cozier Than Ever

When we think of university campuses, we picture lecture halls and labs. But what about a space for that time between classes? It is equally essential to have a comfortable space to study or kick back and relax between lectures. The newly refurbished Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) Commons, in SN-1107, offers HSS students such a space. Check out this Gazette article on why interim Dean, Dr. Craig, wanted to rejuvenate this space for students. 


Gradcolades 2022

In the last academic year, graduate students in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Memorial University won more than 40 awards, 40 grants, and 140 fellowships & scholarships. Additionally, they produced more than 40 publications and creative endeavours. Watch the video celebration of all this success.


Lifting the Curtain: How COVID-19 Exposes Inequalities

The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the profoundly unequal character of contemporary societies. This discussion will illuminate the inequalities highlighted by COVID-19 locally, nationally and globally, in terms of access to healthcare and to safe working and living conditions; various forms of oppression; and the impacts of labour exploitation, job losses, and labour shortages. Read more about this event

New book from Dr. Fife, Imaginary Worlds (Invitation to an Argument)

Wayne Fife has a new book accepted for publication by Palgrave-Macmillan. The book is entitled Imaginary Worlds (Invitation to an Argument) and will appear as part of the series Palgrave Studies in Literary Anthropology. The volume illustrates the uses imaginary worlds can be put to for testing anthropological theory and for teaching key lessons in anthropology both inside and outside of the classroom. It further argues that contemporary forms of economic and existential alienation are fueling an increase in participation in imaginary worlds – a trend that Fife expects to continue for the foreseeable future. The book is currently in press and will be in print by the late summer. 


A Tribute: Dr. Elliott Leyton

This week, we're fondly remembering a truly remarkable person and professor: Elliott Leyton, dubbed by London Times as "The Godfather of Criminal Psychology," and whose books CBS called "required reading for all homicide detectives." Read the tribute in the Gazette.

Gavin Babcock receives SSHRC's Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Master's Scholarship. Congrats!

Anthropology student Gavin Babcock recently received a Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Master's Scholarship, to assist with his thesis research on the question of how anti-union legislation, coupled with other sociopolitical factors contributing to the syndemic in Alberta, affected teachers’ working conditions and their ability to refuse unsafe work. Read the full story here.


Daria Boltokova's work profiled by the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage

Our new assistant professor Daria Boltokova has had her work profiled by the Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. In collaboration with colleagues in Yakutsk and the University of Chicago, and with the support of the Smithsonian, Dr. Boltokova is organizing an innovative media school as part of ongoing efforts to engage Indigenous Sakha youth in the Sakha language. Read more about the Sakha media school here: 



Dr. Damian Castro has received a JR Smallwood Foundation Research Grant

Dr. Damian Castro has received a JR Smallwood Foundation Research Grant for his project titled: Offline and Online Cooperation among Hunters on Newfoundland’s West Coast.

Check out Joonas Plaan in a short Film about his field work in Newfoundland!

A Year in the Field” about Joonas Plaan's PhD fieldwork in Bay de Verde, NL. The movie is available on 19th March and it is available from here:




Congratulations Heidi Haering!

Congratulations to Heidi Haering, she was awarded the School of Graduate Studies F.A. Aldrich Fellowship for the 2020/2021 academic year. As a Master's candidate, she will receive a master's fellowship for one year.



Come check out this Book Launch. "Chiefs of the Plantation: Authority and Contestation on the South Africa-Zimbabwe Border"

Please join Dr. Lincoln Addison for the Launch of his new book, taking place Friday, November 29, 2019 at 2pm, Queen's College in the Great Hall, Memorial University of Newfoundland.


Dr. Firouz Gaini, University of the Faroe Islands, October 28, 3:30-5:00 pm, Nexus Centrue, Room SN4022

Seminar Title : Fixing Your Gaze on the Sea: Young People, Place, and Local Knowledge in the Faroe Islands



A Conversation About Unlearning Racism

Anthropology 3063 students excute a conversation about ethnicity and multiculturalism: Unlearning Racism.



Congratulations to Samantha Breslin, she was recently awarded the title "Fellow of the School of Graduate Studies".

This award is made in recongnition of her continued academic excellence throughout her program.


The Foreseeable Future

PhD Candidate, Michael Oman-Regan

Congratulations to Samantha Breslin, who recently defended her doctoral dissertation with Distinction.

Congratulations to Samantha Breslin, who recently defended, with Distinction, her doctoral dissertation: "The Making of Computer Scientists: Rendering Technical Knowledge, Gender and Entrepreneurialism in Singapore." The examining committee was comprised of: Dr. Flis Henwood (University of Brighton, UK), Dr. Nicole Power (Sociology, Memorial) and Dr. Mark Tate (Anthropology, Memorial).


Samantha Breslin's Oral PhD Thesis Defense

Good Luck to our PhD Oral Defence candidate, Samantha Breslin, Department of Anthropology

Friday, July 6, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.


MA SSHRC Award - Canada Graduate Scholarship-Masters Program through SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada).

Congratulations to Heather Elliott, on receiving the Canada Graduate Scholarship-Masters Program through SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada). Her project title was "Women at Sea - Studying Gender in the Marine Sector".


The Commander Peter G. Chance Scholarship for the 2017/2018 Scholarship Year

Congratulations to Anthropology MA Candiate Heather Elliott, on receiving The Commander Peter G. Chance Scholarship for the 2017/2018 Scholarship Year.

The Professor Peter Hart Memorial Scholarship 2017/2018

Congratulations to PhD Candidate David Cooney on receiving The Professor Peter Hart Memorial Scholarship for the 2017/2018 Scholarship year.


Scholorship in the Arts Doctoral Completion Award for the 2017/18 Academic Year

Congratulations to Anthropology PhD Candidate Samantha Breslin, on receiving the Scholarship in the Arts Doctoral Completion Award for her project "The Making of Computer Scientists: Rendering Technical Knowledge, Gender, and Entrepreneurialism in Singapore."



Making the Muskrat Falls Inquiry Right - Video

If you missed the Panel Discussion on Making the Muskrat Falls Inquiry Right, you can watch it at the link provided!


Making the Muskrat Falls Inquiry Right

A panel discussion sponsored by the Department of Anthropology and Political Science.

Memorial Presents: On The Move

On The Move: The Family and Community Impacts of Mobility for Work

Ethics For The 21st Century: Mind. Body. Spirit.

A Collaborative conference hosted by MUN Philosophy.

Anthropology Students Make the Dean's List

Congratulations to Anthropology students on making the Dean's list!


Social & Cultural Aspects of Health & Illness

Dr. Mark Tate, Winter Course Offering 2018

Culture, Society & Globalization

Dr. Kathleen Gordon, Winter Course Offering 2018

Imaginary Worlds

Dr. Wayne Fife, Winter Coures Offering 2018



Plan ahead

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences now has a webpage that lists upcoming undergraduate course offerings throughout the Faculty. The page will be constantly updated by department administrative personnel. Please bookmark it for future reference and share  whenever the opportunity arises.







Anthropology doctoral student honoured with Vanier scholarship

A PhD candidate in Memorial’s Department of Anthropology has been named as a recipient of the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship.

The scholarship is Canada’s most prestigious award for doctoral students.

Originally from the U.S., Michael Oman-Reagan is currently in Victoria, B.C., doing fieldwork and research with space scientists, including astronomers and astrophysicists.

“It’s not yet common for an anthropologist to study outer space, so I think it really demonstrates the courage and vision of my supervisor, my committee members, our department and the university, in that they all saw potential in the research that I proposed as a PhD student.”

Read more about Michael's achievement in the Gazette.


2016 Vanier Scholar

Michael Oman-Reagan has been named the 2016 Vanier Scholar


Guest Speaker

Dr. David Hughes

The Eden Problem: Utopia and Unemployment on New Energy Landscapes


Dr. Jean Briggs

Dr. Jean L. Briggs - In Memorium

Dr. Jean L. Briggs passed away at the age of 87 on July 27, 2016.  She currently resides at Carnell's Funeral Home until Saturday, July 30, 2016 when there will be a viewing for friends and colleagues from 12:00 noon - 4:00 pm.  In lieu of flowers she requested donations be made to a charity of your choosing.



CASCA Conference 2016

Ashley MacDonald

CASCA Conference 2016

Grace Sherwin

CASCA Conference 2016

Kaitlyn Hollett


Andrew Fitzgerald Awarded The Dermot O'Reilly Legacy Award

Mr. Andrew Fitzgerald (MA Candidate, Anthropology) has been awarded the 2015/2016 Dermot O'Reilly Legacy Award.

Samantha Breslin Awarded The Professor Peter Hart Memorial Scholarship

Ms. Samantha Breslin (PhD candidate, Anthropology) has been awarded the 2015/2016 Professor Peter Hart Memorial Scholarship.



Angeline Jones awarded Scotiabank Bursary

Ms. Angeline Jones (PhD candidate, Anthropology) has been awarded the 2015 graduate Soctoabank Bursaries for International Study.



David Cooney awarded CGS-MSFSS

David Cooney (PhD Candidate) has been awarded SSHRC’s Canada Graduate Scholarships-Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement (CGS-MSFSS).


Bringing Home Animals Book Launch and Symposium

You are all invited to attend the Bringing Home Animals book launch and symposium being hoted by the department on November 13-14, 2014. Please click and view schedule of events within.


Angeline Jones awarded F.A. Aldrich Felowship

Ms. Angeline Jones (PhD candidate, Anthropology) has been awarded the School of Graduate Studies F.A. Aldrich Fellowship for the 2014/15 academic year.

Melanie Stockley awarded The John M. and Elsa S. Morgan Scholarship

Ms. Melanie Stockley (Anthropology Major, Undergraduate) was awarded The John M. and Elsa S. Morgan Scholarship for the 2014-2015 academic year. 


David Cooney awarded Scoitabank Bursary

David Cooney (PhD Candidate) has been awarded a Scotiabank Bursary for International Study (Graduate) for the 2014-15 scholarship year. 


Angeline Jones awarded SSHRC Doctoral Award

Angeline Jones  (PhD Candidate) was awarded a SSHRC doctoral award in Spring 2014.


Dr. Reade Davis Recipient of Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence

Dr. Reade Davis has been named as the recipent of the Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence for 2012-2013.



Sebastien Depres Awarded President's Award for Outstanding Teaching

Sébastien Deprés (PhD Candidate) Awarded President’s Award for Outstanding Teaching (Lecturers and Instructional Staff). For more information please click here.

CASCA 2014 to be held at York University

CASCA 2014 will be held at York University, April 30th-May 3rd, 2014, with the theme:  "Promising Uncertainties: Unsettling the Future of Anthropological Terrain."

For information and updates please visit the CASCA 2014 website at:

David Cooney awarded SSHRC Doctoral Award

David Cooney (PhD Candidate) was awarded a SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS Doctoral Award in Spring 2013.


David Cooney Awarded F.A. Aldrich Fellowship

Mr. David Cooney (PhD Candidate) has been awarded the F.A. Aldrich Fellowship for the 2013/14 year. 

Angeline Jones Awarded F.A. Aldrich Fellowship

Ms. Angeline Jones (PhD Candidate) has been awarded the F.A. Aldrich Fellowship for the 2013/14 year. 


Adrian Tanner Awarded the 2013 Weaver-Tremblay Award

Adrian Tanner is the recipient of the 2013 Weaver-Tremblay Award.  The Canadian Anthropology Society hosted a lecture and reception on Wednesday, May 8th at 5:00PM.

Elizabeth Whitten Awarded SSHRC Scholarship

Elizabeth Whitten is the recipient of the SSHRC J. Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's Scholarship.

Rachel Hogan Awarded SSHRC Scholarship

Rachel Hogan is the recipient of the SSHRC J. Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships - Master's Scholarship.

Sebastien Depres Recipient of 2010-2011 Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence

Sebastien Despres is the recipient of the 2010-2011 Dean's Award for Teaching Excellence for the Faculty of Arts.

Rachel Hogan Awarded ISER Fellowship

Rachel Hogan received an ISER MA Fellowship for her project entitled, "A Day to Celebrate? Grand Falls-Windsor Workers' Political Action in the historic Labour Day Parade, Post Mill Closure."

Sayeed Russel Fellow of the School of Graduate Studies

Sayeed Al Russel was named the Fellow of the School of Graduate Studies.

Sebastien Despres Awarded SSHRC Fellowship

Sebastien Despres was awarded a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship.

Travis Morpak Awarded SSHRC

Travis Morpak has been awarded the SSHRC J. A. Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master's Scholarship

Diane West Receives Scholarship from President's Office

Dianne West has received graduate scholarship from the President's Office at Memorial.

Alanna Felt Awarded SSHRC

Alanna Felt has been awarded the SSHRC J. A. Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master's Scholarship.

Karen Samuels Awarded SSHRC

Karen Samuels was awarded a SSHRC J. A. Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral Scholarship.

Reade Davis Delivers Paper at Royal Geographical Society (RGS) Annual International Conference

Reade Davis delivered a paper titled "A Mari usque ad Mare: Ocean Governance as Nation-Building in Canada" as part of the “Theorising the Sea” panel at the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) Annual International Conference, London, UK, September 1-3, 2010.

Jill Allison Delivers Papers

Jill Allison delivered two papers titled "Clinical Confessionals: Intersections Between Procreative Morality and Fertility Medicine in Ireland" and "The Chatter of Silence: Online Infertility Support Websites as Sites of Contradiction " at the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) 2010 Conference, Montreal, QC, June 1-3 2010.

Sebastien Depres Delivers Paper at CASCA

Sebastien Despres delivered a paper titled "DIGI-ANTH 1000: Information and Communication Technologies in the Anthropology Classroom" at the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) 2010 Conference, Montreal, QC, June 1-3, 2010.

Jill Allison Awarded Governor Generals Gold Medal

Jill Allison has been named recipient of the Governor General’s Gold Medal in Graduate Studies.

Benjamin Rigby Awarded ISER Research Grant

Benjamin Rigby was awarded a research grant from the Institute of Social and Economic Research to support his MA research project titled: "Making Fish: The Impact of Technological Change in the Salmon Aquaculture Industry on Newfoundland's South Coast."

Jill Allison Awarded Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Jill Allison was awarded a post-doctoral fellowship from the Atlantic Rural Centre to investigate issues related to health, social inequality and gender in rural areas of Atlantic Canada. She was also awarded a research grant from the Harris Centre to support research expenses related to this research. 

Tracy Winters Awarded Harris Centre Research Grant

Tracy Winters was awarded a research grant from the Harris Centre to support her doctoral research project titled: "Leaving to Stay: Space, Place and Class Implications of the Newfoundland Turnaround."

Students Awarded Scotiabank Bursary for International Study

Sebastien Deprés, Travis Morpak and Dianne West were each awarded a Scotiabank Bursary for International Study.

Kathleen Gordon Publishes Paper

Kathleen Gordon published the paper "Marketplace vendors, decision-making, and the household." Research in Economic Anthropology 29: 123-146.

Doctoral Students Awarded SSHRC Scholarships

Doctoral students Tracy Winters and Josh Lalor were both awarded SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarships.

Master's Students Awarded SSHRC Scholarships

Master's students Jennifer O'Connor, Sol Porta, and David Cooney were all awarded SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarships.


Nicole Wilson Presents at The 45th National Conference on Housing & Homelessness

Nicole Wilson will be making a presentation as part of the CHRA Emerging Professional Research Colloquium at The 45th National Conference on Housing & Homelessness in Ottawa taking place from April 30-May 3. Her presentation is entitled "'The Comfort to Be Me': Home and Homelessness in St. John's"


Lynda Mannik Publishes Book

Lynda Mannik's new book Photography, Memory, and Refugee Identity: The Voyage of the SS Walnut, 1948 will be published in April 2013 with UBC Press. For more information on this publication please visit UBC Press.


Sharon Roseman Publishes Book

Sharon Roseman, together with her coeditor Enrique Alonso Población, recently published the book Antropoloxía das mulleres galegas. As outras olladas with the publisher Sotelo Blanco Edicións.


Consuelo Griggio Publishes Book

Consuelo Griggio has just published her first book entitled "VEGAscapes Views of the Vega Archipelago of Norway-Ansichten des Vega-Archipels in Norwegen." It was edited by Varda Publishing in Swedem. The book was printed in English and German. All proceeds will be donated to the Public Library in Vega.



Consuelo Griggio Presented Paper in Norway

Consuelo Griggio presented a paper titled: "Each Summer, our animals go on vacation on the outer islands!" The importance of grazing, haymaking, and local heritage on the Vega Archipelago, Norway. ESLAND Conference, 11-13 October 2012 University of Sassari, Sassari Italy.


Samantha Breslin Awarded Scotiabank Bursary for International Study

Samantha Breslin has been awarded the Scotiabank Bursary for International Study (Graduate) for the 2012/2013 scholarship year in the amount of $2000.

David Cooney and Erin Heys Awarded F.A. Aldrich Fellowship

David Cooney & Erin Heys have been awarded the School of Graduate Studies F.A. Aldrich Fellowship for 2012/2013.

David Cooney Awarded Dean's Doctoral Award

David Cooney has been awarded the Dean's Doctoral Award in Spring 2012.

Andrea Procter Passed Oral Exam Doctoral Thesis

Andrea Procter has successfully passed the oral exam for her PhD thesis.

Joy Brander Awarded SSHRC Scholarship

Joy Brander has been awarded the SSHRC J.A. Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master's Scholarship.

Angelina Leggo Awarded SSHRC Scholarship

Angelina Leggo has been awarded the SSHRC J.A. Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship - Master's Scholarship.

Nehraz Mahmud Awarded Trudeau Foundation Scholarship

Nehraz Mahmud is a recipient of the 2012 Trudeau Foundation Scholarship. Details of the annoucement can be found at

Aaron Lemkow Fellow of the School of Graduate Studies

Aaron Lemkow will be awarded the title "Fellow of the School of Graduate Studies" in May 2012.

Andrea Procter Co-edits Book with David Natcher and Larry Felt

Andrea Procter co-edited the book, "Settlement, Subsistence, and Change among the Labrador Inuit: The Nunatsiavummiut experience" with David Natcher and Larry Felt. It will be published by the University of Manitoba Press in Spring 2012.


Elizabeth Whitten Awarded Michael Staveley Award

Elizabeth Whitten has been awarded the Michael Staveley Award for being on the Dean's List form 2007-2011 as an undergraduate student.



Samantha Breslin Awarded ISER Student Essay Prize

Samantha Breslin was awarded the ISER Annual Student Essay Prize in November 2011 for a paper entitled "Putting down roots: Playing Irish and Newfoundland music in St. John's".

Reade Davis Presents Paper at AAA Meetings

Reade Davis presented a paper titled: "The Political Ecology of an Altered State: Ecosystem Complexity, Neoliberalism, and the Social Construction of Ocean Space in Newfoundland, Canada" as part of the panel "The Conceptual Work of Ecology" at the 2011 American Anthropological Association Meetings, Montreal, QC, November 16-20, 2011.


Consuelo Griggio Delivers Paper in Iceland

Consuelo Griggio delivered a paper entiled "Himmelblå and the Vega Archipelago of Norway: a tourist flop!" at the conference ICASS VII (International Congress of Arctic Social Science) in Akureyri, Iceland 23-24 June 2011.

Reade Davis Delivers Paper in Amsterdam

Reade Davis delivered a paper entitled "A Cod Forsaken Place: Fishing After the Fall in Newfoundland" at the Nature, Inc.: Questioning the Market Panacea in Environmental Policy and Conservation conference in the Hague, Netherlands on July 1, 2011 and a paper entitled "Reconceptualizing Ecosystem Complexity: A New Emphasis" at the MARE: People and the Sea VI Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 6, 2011.


Josh Lalor Awarded The Professor Peter Hart Memorial Scholarshi

Josh Lalor is the recipient of The Professor Peter Hart Memorial Scholarship for the 2011/2012 scholarship year.

Consuelo Griggio Awarded During 2011 SSHRC Competition

Consuelo Griggio is the recipient of a Doctoral Award from 2011 SSHRC competition.

Alanna Felt Awarded ISER Fellowship and Research Grant
Alanna Felt received an ISER MA Fellowship and an ISER Research grant for her project entitled, "Negotiating Velomobilities: The Politics of Policy Development in the Case of the St. John's Cycling Plan."Angelina Leggo was awarded the School of Graduate Studies F.A. Aldrich Fellowship for 2011/2012.


Andrea Procter Presents Talk

Andrea Procter delivered a talk entitled, "The Prospect of Uranium and Inuit Governance in Nunatsiavut, 1956-2011," as part of the CRC in the Aboriginal Studies Seminar Series at MUN, Thursday, April 7, 2011.


Gregory Gan Delivers Seminar

Gregory Gan delivered a seminar entitled: "Where do you place on the Pyramid of Happiness?: Notes of a filmmaker/participant-observer in a radical Ukranian sect" on Tuesday, February 15th, 2011, Mr. Gan discussed the making of his new film: "The Theory of Happiness." The web site for the film can be found here.

Gregory Gan Delivers Seminar

Gregory Gan delivered a seminar entitled: "Where do you place on the Pyramid of Happiness?: Notes of a filmmaker/participant-observer in a radical Ukranian sect" on Tuesday, February 15th, 2011, Mr. Gan discussed the making of his new film: "The Theory of Happiness." The web site for the film can be found here.



Reade Davis Delivers Paper at AAA

Reade Davis delivered a paper titled "Immutable Mobiles and Mutable Subjects: Ocean Mapping and the Production of Silences" at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, LA, November 17-21, 2010.


Consuelo Griggio Delivers Papers

Consuelo Griggio delivered two papers titled "Art on the 'Rock': Struggles and strategies of three young female artists living on the island of Newfoundland, Canada" at the International Small Islands Studies Association (ISISA) on the island of Bornholm, Denmark, 23-26 August 2010 and "Women and tourism in White Harbour, Newfoundland, Canada: Filling the Gap between Tradition, Innovation, and Globalization" at the International Geographical Union, Commission on Islands (IGU) on the island of Ven, Sweden, 27-30 August 2010.

Consuelo Griggio Delivers Papers

Consuelo Griggio delivered two papers titled "Art on the ‘Rock’: Struggles and strategies of three young female artists living on the island of Newfoundland, Canada" at the International Small Islands Studies Association (ISISA)on the island of Bornholm, Denmark, 23-26 August 2010 and "Women and tourism in White Harbour, Newfoundland, Canada: Filling the Gap between Tradition, Innovation, and Globalization" at the International Geographical Union, Commission on Islands (IGU) on the island of Ven, Sweden, 27-30 August 2010.


Jean Briggs Awarded at the SSHRC Public Outreach Grants Competition

Professor Jean Briggs is the recipient of an award from the 2010 SSHRC Public Outreach Grants competition.


Sebastien Depres Awarded Richard F. Salisbury Award

Sebastien Despres is the 2010 recipient of The Richard F. Salisbury Award.

Monique Bourgeois Awarded Dr. Anna C. Templeton Memorial Graduate Scholarship

Monique Bourgeois was named the 2010 winner of the Dr. Anna C. Templeton Memorial Graduate Scholarship.


Sebastien Depres Awarded The 2010 Richard F. Salisbury Award

Sebastien Depres Awarded The 2010 Richard F. Salisbury Award

Reade Daviis Delivers Paper at CASCA

Reade Davis delivered a paper titled "Eco-Casino: Unpredictability and Affluence in the New North Atlantic at the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) 2010 Conference, Montreal, QC, June 1-3, 2010.

Kathleen Gordon Delivers Paper at CASCA

Kathleen Gordon delivered a paper titled "'The Market Sets the Price': Determining Prices in a Bolivian Marketplace" at the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) 2010 Conference, Montreal, QC, June 1-3 2010.

Brent Kuefler Delivers Paper at CASCA

Brent Kuefler delivered a paper titled "You Got to Teach Them Correctly: Becoming a Goose Hunter in Moose Factory, Ontario" at the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) 2010 Conference, Montreal, QC, June 1-3, 2010.

Sharon Roseman Discussant on CASCA Panel

Sharon Roseman served as the discussant for the panel "Movement and the Dilemmas of Cosmopolitan Ethics and Practices" at the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) 2010 Conference, Montreal, QC, June 1-3 2010.

Karen Samuels Delivers Paper at CASCA

Karen Samuels delivered a paper titled "Maintaining Connections: Family and Tattoo in a Canadian Infantry Battalion" at the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) 2010 Conference, Montreal, QC, June 1-3, 2010.

Ann Stewart Delivers Paper at CASCA

Ann Stewart delivered a paper titled "'Tradition' and 'Modernity' in Gàidhlig Language Media at the Canadian Anthropology Society (CASCA) 2010 Conference, Montreal, QC, June 1-3 2010.


Elizabeth Whitten Awarded The John M. & Elsa S. Morgan Scholarship

Elizabeth Whitten is the recipient of The John M. & Elsa S. Morgan Scholarship award for 2010-2011.

Sebastien Depres Awarded MUNSU Award for Excellence in Teaching

Sebastien Despres is the recipient of the 2010-2011 MUNSU Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Monique Bourgeois Awarded Dr. Anna C. Templeton Memorial Graduate Scholarship

Monique Bourgeois has been awarded the Dr. Anna C. Templeton Memorial Graduate Scholarship for the 2010-2011 scholarship year.

Sebastien Depres Awarded Sceptre Investment Counsel Limited Bursary

Sebastien Despres is the 2010-2011 recipient of the Sceptre Investment Counsel Limited Bursary.

Consuelo Griggio Awarded Scotiabank Bursary for International Study

Consuelo Griggio has been awarded the Scotiabank Bursary for International Study (Graduate) for the 2010-2011 scholarship year.

Dr. Wayne Fife Publishes Paper

Dr. Wayne Fife published the paper "Internal Borders as Naturalized Political Instruments" in Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 17(2): 1-25, 2010.

Sebastien Despres Awarded GSU Award for Excellence in Teaching

Sebastien Despres has been awarded the GSU Award for Excellence in Teaching for 2010. 

Monique Bourgeois Awarded 2010 Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Master's Thesis Award

Monique Bourgeois was named the 2010 winner of the The Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Master’s Thesis Award.

Reade Davis Delivers Paper in Sweden

Reade Davis delivered a paper titled "The Invisible Handler: Ecosystem Complexity and the Neoliberal State" at the “A Brief Environmental History of Neoliberalism” Conference, Lund, Sweden on May 10, 2010.


Students Deliver Papers at Aldrich Interdisciplinary Conference

Samantha Breslin, Sébastien Deprés, Consuelo Griggio, Brent Kuefler, Andrea Proctor, Carolina Tytelman and Tracy Winters all delivered papers at the Aldrich Interdisciplinary Conference, March 26-27, 2010.

Gregory Gan Screens Film

A special preview screening of TURNING BACK THE WAVES, an ethnographic film by Gregory Gan was shown on March 5, 2010


Wayne Fife Published Paper

Wayne Fife published a paper titled "Internal Borders as Naturalized Political Instruments" in Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 17(2): 255-279, 2010.

Robert Paine Delivers Seminar

Robert Paine delivered a seminar entitled "Friendship: Control, Fulfillment and Deception - An Anthropological Enquiry" on Thursday, January 19, 2010.

Mariana Soledad Porta Screens Film

Mariana Soledad Porta began the 2010 Visual Anthropology Unit Screening and Discussion Series with a screening of her film "Social Animal" (original title, Animal Social) on Friday, January 15th, 2010.

August Carbonella Editor of Identites

August Carbonella assumed the editorship of the Routledge journal "Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power" in January of 2010.



Reade Daviis Delivers Paper at AAA Meeting

Reade Davis delivered a paper entitled: "Lost at Sea: Ecosystem Management and the Politics of Uncertainty" at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on December 2, 2009.

Gregory Gan Delivers Paper at AAA Meeting

Gregory Gan delivered a paper entitled "Negotiating Liminality: Women of the Intelligentsia in Post-Soviet Russia" at the annual meetings of the American Anthropological Association in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on December 6, 2009.


Samantha Breslin Delivers Seminar

Samantha Breslin delivered a seminar entitled '"Would you be a reel now or a Jig?' Playing Tunes in St. John's, Newfoundland" on Thursday, November 19th, 2009.

David Cooney Delivers Seminar

David Cooney delivered a seminar entitled "The Accentuation of Intra-Class Divisions in Post-Moratorium Bonavista" on Thursday, November 12th, 2009.

Jean Briggs Delivers Seminar

Jean Briggs delivered a seminar entitled "Language Dead or Alive:
What’s in a Dictionary?" on Thursday, November 5, 2009. 


Janna Rosales Delivers Seminar

Janna Rosales delivered a seminar entitled "The Toll of Our Tools: Examining the Moral and Ethical Dimensions of E-Waste" on October 15, 2009.


Jill Allison Defends Doctoral Thesis

Jill Allison defended her PhD thesis, entitled "Affirmations, Contestations and Contradictions: Experiences of Infertility in Ireland" with distinction on September 8th, 2009.

Daniel Banoub and Lynette Fischer Both Begin Master's Degrees at York

Daniel Banoub and Lynette Fischer both began Master's degrees in Anthropology at York University in September 2009.


Recent Publication by Raoul Anderson

Raoul Andersen and John K. Crellin, recently published their edited collection: Mi'sel Joe: An Aboriginal Chief's Journey (Flanker Press 2009).


Josh Lalor Presents Paper at UBC

Josh Lalor presented the paper "Policy" as Narrative: Evoking the "Natural" between Newfoundland and Ireland at the Canadian Anthropology Society/American Ethnological Society Joint Meeting at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, BC, May 13-16 2009.

Samantha Breslin Awarded A.G. Hatcher Memorial Scholarship

Samantha Breslin was recently awarded the A.G. Hatcher Memorial Scholarship. 


Josh Lalor Publishes Paper

Josh Lalor published the paper "Ethnicity, Culture, and Globalization: Exploring the Memorandum of Understanding Between Newfoundland and Labrador and Ireland" in Newfoundland and Labrador Studies, 24, 1 (Spring 2009): 25-53.

Daniel Banoub Awarded the University Medal for Academic Excellence

Daniel Banoub was awarded the University Medal for Academic Excellence at the Spring 2009 Convocation.


Sebastien Depres Publishes Paper

Sebastien Depres published the paper “Denying Cultural Tourism: A Pilgrimage to Medjugorje.” Culture and Tradition (January 2009).



Sebastien Depres Publishes Paper

Sebastien Depres published the paper "Making it Real: The Narrative Reconstruction of an Eastern European Pilgrimage Centre.” Illumine: a journal from the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society 7.



Sebastien Despres Receives MA Religious Studies and Chancellor's Graduate Award

Sebastien Despres received his MA in Religious Studies and won the Chancellor's Graduate Award, presented to the student of the graduating class who has shown most leadership in student affairs at the graduate level, at the Spring 2009 Convocation.