CURAC is the College and University Retirees Association of Canada - the national equivalent of MUNPA. MUNPA is a member of CURAC.

It is a not-for-profit federation of retiree organizations at colleges and universities across Canada. Their objectives are:

  • to coordinate activities that promote communication among member associations,
  • to share information,
  • to provide mutual assistance, and
  • to speak publicly on issues of concern to the over fifteen thousand individual college and university retirees across Canada.

For more information about CURAC (College and University Retirees Associations of Canada) please visit the CURAC web site.

CURAC publishes a Newsletter available here.

CURAC has negotiated a national program of Travel and Extended Health Insurance and it is available by going to CURAC Travel and Health Insurance.

CURAC maintains a relationship with AWB (Academics Without Borders). Volunteer opportunities are listed here.

CURAC offers links to extensive travel opportunities at significant discounts.

CURAC has a number of committees each of which has several good documents about their interests.

CURAC holds an annual conference. Check here  for further information.



RPT_20110923_CuracEdWilliams.pdf Report from CURAC's Ed Williams at a conference on September 23, 2011.
RPT_2011_CuracMunpaPresidents.pdf Report from MUNPA's Presidents concerning a conference on September 23, 2011.
RPT_201212_CuracHealth.pdf Report from CURAC concerning health and wellness - December 2012
RPT_20130121_CuracInputRequest.pdf Request for input from MUNPA members from CURAC - December 2013
RPT_201601_CuracBulletin.pdf CURAC Bulletin January 2016
RPT_201603_CuracBullentin.pdf CURAC Bulletin March 2016