Evan J Andrews
Email: evana[at]mun[dot]ca
Supervisor: Dr. Ratana Chuenpagdee
Postdoctoral Fellow – Ocean Frontier Institute
Memorial University’s Department of Geography (Present)
Doctor of Philosophy in Social and Ecological Sustainability (2020) at the University of Waterloo’s School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability (Supervisor: Dr. Derek Armitage)
Master of Environment and Sustainability (2015) at the University of Saskatchewan’s School of Environment and Sustainability (Supervisor: Dr. Toddi Steelman)
Bachelor of Arts, Great Distinction (2012) at the University of Regina’s Department of Justice Studies
Title of Project:
Fisheries futures: Anticipatory governance for sustainability in Newfoundland and Labrador’s coastal fisheries
Research Project Description:
This research creates opportunities for fisheries stakeholders and rights holders to work together to anticipate and respond to future governance problems and opportunities in the inshore fisheries in Newfoundland and Labrador. In the context of rapid social, economic and environmental change, there are growing questions about how to govern the inshore fisheries sustainably into the future. Unfortunately, the timing, locations, and impacts of these changes are difficult to predict, and yet, can lead to economic losses, community suffering, and governments investing scarce resources. This ongoing situation creates challenges for stakeholders with vested interest in maintaining inshore fisheries and the benefits they provide, including the fishing industry, communities, governments, and civil society. This research brings these stakeholders together through a series of interactive workshops to anticipate future governance problems and opportunities related to interactions about principles, institutions, and everyday behaviours. Then, the research facilitates reflections on the governance needed to sustain anticipation into the future. The research contributes to the Ocean Frontier Institute’s Module I, in particular Phase 3, “Getting it Right”.
Overall Research Programme
1. Social change in fisheries – behaviour, interactions, and values
2. Fisheries policy and governance for the future – policy sciences, anticipatory governance and justice
3. Transdisciplinarity in fisheries science and practice – early career researcher experiences, and recognizing small-scale fisheries in Canada
Selected Publications
Evan J. Andrews, Jeremy Pittman, and Derek Armitage. 2020. Fisher behaviour in coastal and marine fisheries. Fish and Fisheries. https://doi.org/10.1111/faf.12529
Evan J. Andrews*, Sarah Harper*, Timothy Cashion, Juliano Palacios-Abrantes, Jessica Blythe, Jack Daly, Sondra Eger, Carie Hoover, Nicolas Talloni-Alvarez, Louise Teh, Nathan Bennett, Graham Epstein, Christine Knott, Sarah Newell, and Charlotte K. Whitney. 2020. Supporting early career researchers: Insights from interdisciplinary marine scientists. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77(2), 476-485.
*Shared first authorship
Graham Epstein, Evan J. Andrews, Derek Armitage, Paul Foley, Jeremy Pittman, and Rebecca Brushett. 2018. Human dimensions of ecosystem-based management: lessons in managing trade-offs from the Northern Shrimp Fishery in Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland. Marine Policy 97: 10-17.