World Fisheries Day
Do you enjoy tasty (and free) local seafood and learning about fisheries and coastal communities? Mark your calendars for – Monday, November 21st 2016 – and join the Too Big To Ignore research network (TBTI) for a celebration of our province’s fisheries called ‘ReCODnecting: Renew, Reimagine, Revitalize’.
Among the many exciting features of this event, including a panel discussion and interactive booths, is the a contest for the best fishcake in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. To participate, send your favourite recipe to by November 15. The selected entries will compete for the title of best fishcake by a popular vote.
ReCODnecting will take place on Monday, November 21st from 5-9pm at the Bruneau Centre. All Geography students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend, as well as friends and family. The purpose of this event is to celebrate our province’s fisheries, enjoy some delicious local seafood, and spark conversation about how a potential return of cod could help to revitalize communities in NL. The event will also commemorate the launch of the Ocean Frontier Institute, a new centre of excellence in marine research, which Memorial University will lead in partnership with Dalhousie University and the University of Prince Edward Island. For more information please visit