Geography Department releases research report for 2012-13

Geography's first research report has just been published to coincide with the Canadian Association of Geographers conference, which starts on the 11th of August 2013. The research report is the brainchild of the Department's Research Group, and it describes our research clusters. Five projects under each of these research clusters are profiled including: Rodolphe Devillers' research on volunteer geographic information; Evan Edinger's work on corals; Trevor Bell's contribution to sustainable communities in the Canadian North; Josh Lepawsky's project on electronic waste; and Ratana Chuenpagdee's 'Too Big To Ignore' partnership. This is only a small sample of the outstanding research going on in Geography and future reports will highlight other projects underway in the Department.
Under the keyword 'talent', our report introduces two new faculty members to the Department - Carissa Brown (biogeographer) and Cedric Brunelle (economic geographer). In addition we profile some of the outstanding work being undertaken by our graduate students on a range of topics. In future reports we will provide new profiles on some of our outstanding graduate students.
This report was made possible by the Provost's Scholarship in the Arts fund and we are grateful to David Wardlaw for contributing to Geography's research and scholarship.
A digital copy is available here: