Canadian Northern Studies Trust Scholarship winners

Geography’s Jeanette Carney and Merran Smith each recently were awarded a Canadian Northern Studies Trust Scholarship. The awards, sponsored by the Association of Canadian Universities for Northern Studies, encourage research and provide experience for graduate students in Canada’s North.
Merran is currently completing her MSc programme under the supervision of Dr. Trevor Bell. Her research on sea ice timing and extent in Lake Melville, and the impact on residents of Labrador’s communities. As the frozen lake surface is a significant transportation route for residents, the variability in sea-ice directly influences the sustainability of communities. Merran’s project involves extensive consultation with community members, stakeholders, and the Nunatsiavut government.
Jeanette is currently completing her MA programme under the supervision of Dr. Arn Keeling. Her research focuses on the history and legacy of the Asbestos Hill Mine in Nunavik, northern Québec. The opening, operation, and closure of the mine had substantial impacts on residents of Nunavik, which continue today. Jeanette’s research also necessitates extensive consultation and interaction with community members and organizations in Nunavik.
All of us in Geography join in congratulating Jeanette and Merran for their awards!