Blue Box Seminar

Jan 29th, 2019


Blue Box Seminar

Research based on the historical record of avalanches in Newfoundland and Labrador shows that avalanches are a significant hazard in the province, resulting in at least 75 deaths. The increased accessibility of searchable documents in digital format has resulted in the identification of numerous incidents, including five that resulted in fatalities. Avalanches in the province are widespread, and these new descriptions, when analysed in conjunction with other known occurrences, point to areas of particularly high avalanche hazard. Identification of this common hazard should result in appropriate response in terms of mitigation, through greater awareness and avalanche safety training for those engaged in winter recreation; and protection or relocation of vulnerable housing.

I hope to see you all there. Of course, MUGS will be providing beverages as always. Looking forward to the talk and the discussions and questions afterwards!