Completed PhD Theses
Farahbod, Marissa. Being and belonging: The construction of Filipino spaces in Newfoundland.
MacCath-Moran, Ceallaigh S. Voices for the voiceless: Animal rights activism in Canada.
Staple, Benjamin Harris. Crack and release: A study of pirate culture, community, and folklore.
Kibirkstis, Ema. Le gout d'Orval: Constructing the taste of Orval beer through narratives.
Shultz, Sarah T. Spice, culinary tourism, and expressions of whiteness in London, England and Nashville, Tennessee.
Kiigemagi, Cynthia. Our Lady of the Island: Our Lady of Lourdes grotto reproduction and use in two Newfoundland communities.
Learning, Jeffery: Dialogues of dominance: Narrative, occupational folklore, & the bullying of public-school teachers.
Wang, Xuan. Naodongfang: An examination of meanings in Chinese wedding games and pranks.
No graduates in 2021.
No graduates in 2020.
Bringerud, Lydia. Whose Tradition?: Adapting Orthodox Christianity in North America
Roubo, Kelly. Narrating Waegook Identity: Building Transitory Foreign-Teacher Community through Folklore in the Republic of Korea
Sanchini, Laura. We are the Rug Hooking Capital of the World: Understanding Cheticamp Rugs (1927-2017)
Sawden, Kari. Maps of Our Own Making: Practicing Divination in 21st Century Canada
MacDonald, Shamus. Dh'fheumadh iad ait' a dheanamh (They would have to make a place): land and belonging in Gaelic Nova Scotia
Moore, Sarah. When I Came Out: Coming out and personal experience narratives of LGBTQ persons in Newfoundland and Labrador
Caldeira, Olivia. Facing Stigma, Negotiating Expectations, And Exploring Identities In a Special Olympics Group Transitioning into Adulthood
Hartmann, Nicholas. Vernacular Perceptions of Masculinity and Fatherhood among Newfoundland Offshore Workers and Their Families
Simmonds, Tara. An Ethnographic Exploration of Complementary and Alternative Health Beliefs and Practices in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia
Zhang, Jing. Variable Icons and Images: Mulan and her Legend in Five Legend-telling Groups in Huangpi, People's Republic of China
Fugarino, Virginia. Every Hurricane Leaves you with Different Priorities: Preparation, Cultural Response, and Narrative Entitlement
LeBlanc, Julie. Marketing Traditional and Contemporary Folklore: How Microbreweries and Community Events Process Local Legends and Folklore in Quebec
Small, Contessa. Co-Creating Harry Potter: Children's Fan-Play, Folklore and Participatory Culture
Li, Mu. "Wanderers between Cultural Boundaries: Exploring the Individual Expressions of Chineseness in Newfoundland"
Boyd, Cynthia. "Reading Women's Home and Garden Lives: A Folkloristic Examination of the English Gardening Books of Marion Cran"
Urquhart, Emily. "The 21st Century Outport: Reimagining Home in Newfoundland"
McDavid, Sara. "Counterclericalism: Vernacular Commentary on the Power of the Catholic Priest in Atlantic Canada
Fraser, Joy. "A Taste of Scotland?: Representing and Contesting Scottishness in Expressive Culture About Haggis."
Grant Jorgensen, Jessica. "Playing with the Kersley Players: Contemporary Folk Drama in a British Columbia Community A Thesis in Five Acts."
Lafferty, Anne. "Male and Female in a Pair": The Emotional Atmosphere Following a Death and its Intersection with Gender and with Public and Semi-Public Spaces in Newfoundland Through Roughly the 1960s and 1970s."
Bodner, John. "Homeless, Hungry and Out of Smokes": An Ethnography and Folklife Study of a Street Kid Community in Downtown Toronto."
Brodie, Ian. "Stand-up Comedy: A Folkloristic Approach."
Gould, Jillian. "Heimish and Home-ish: Aging, Jewishness and the Creation of 'Home' at a Toronto Assisted Living Residence, the Terraces of Baycrest."
Harris Walsh, Kristin. "Dancing on the Head of a Pin: Irishness and Vernacular Dance in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador."
Kitta, Andrea. "A Shot in the Dark: Lay Perception of Inoculations and Anti-Vaccination Discourse."
Lee, Jon. "SARS and Illness Narratives: An Examination of an Epidemic."
McNeill, Lynne. "Serial Collaboration: Small World Activities and The Global Community."
Burns, Jane. "Everyday Objects as Mediators of Self: A Material Culture Study of Work, Home and Community in the Pulp and Paper Town of Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador."
Mason, Bruce. "The Creation of Folk Cultures on the Internet: A Proposed Methodology of Investigation With Case Studies."
Welch, Wendy. "Identity Authority, Artistic Authority, Markets and Meaning: Contemporary English-Language Storytellers Examined."
Everett, Holly. "Class Acts: Culinary Tourism in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Guigné, Anna. "Kenneth Peacock’s Songs of the Newfoundland Outports: The Cultural Politics of a Newfoundland Song Collection."
Gholson, Rachel. "Folklore of Southern Literature as Folkloristic Process: Portrayals of the Cane River Region in the Short Stories of Ada Jack Carver."
Allen, Lucy. "Vernacular Music Collectors in the South 1900-1930: Mediation and Brokering of America’s Music."
Thurgood, Ranald. "Storytelling on the Gabarus-Framboise Coast of Cape Breton: Oral/Narrative Repertoire Analysis of a Folk Community."
Condon, Eileen. "Impossible Knowledge: An Examination of Token Traditions and Experiences as Popular Philosophies of Mind."
Koven, Mikel. "An Ethnography of Seeing: A Proposed Methodology for the Ethnographic Study of Popular Cinema."
Neal, J. David. "Life on the Rocks: Environmental Perceptions of the Rock Crawlers, A Western American Recreational Community."
Robidoux, Michael. "Power-Play: Critical Considerations of the 'Meaningful Universe' of Professional Hockey."
Haruna, Zainab. "Bura Folksongs: An Analysis of Their Types, Occasions, Themes, Techniques and Functions."
Kozar, Seana. "Deliberations Between the Covers: An Audience-Centred Ethnography of Chinese Popular Fiction Readers."
Byrne, Patrick. "Folk Tradition, Literature and a Society in Transition: Newfoundland."
Hiscock, Philip. "The Barrelman Radio Programme: The Mediation and Use of Folklore in Newfoundland."
MacKay, John. "Country Music Performance in Northern Nova Scotia: An Occupational Study of Art Fitt, Craftsman."
Moreira, James. "Ballad Worlds: Structure, Meaning, and the Fictional Landscapes in Classical and Broadside Ballads in Oral Tradition."
Ladenheim, Melissa. "Constructing Objects and Reconstructing Selves: Folk Art and Identity in the Life of an Individual Artist."
Bishop, Julia. "The Song Complex of the 'Moonshine Can': An Integrated Approach to the Study of Words and Music in Traditional Song." (2 vols.)
Dettmer, Elke. "An Analysis of the Concept of Folklorism with Specific Reference to Folk Culture of Newfoundland."
Desplanques, Marie-Annick. "Women, Folklore and Communication: Informal Social Gatherings in a Franco-Newfoundland Context."
Peere, Isabelle. "Death and Worldview in a Ballad Culture: The Evidence of Newfoundland."
MacKinnon, Richard P. "Vernacular Architecture in the Codroy Valley: Local and External Influences on the Development of a Building Tradition."
McNaughton, Janet E. "The Role of the Newfoundland Midwife in Traditional Health Care, 1900 to 1970."
Rieti, Barbara G. "Newfoundland Fairy Traditions: A Study in Narrative and Belief."
Taylor, David A. "A Survey of Traditional Systems of Boat Design Used in the Vicinity of Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, and Hardangerfjord, Norway."
Tye, Diane I. "Local Characters and the Community: A Case Study of Tradition and Individual Nonconformity in the Maritimes."
Doucette, C.M. Laurel. "The Emergence of New Expressive Skills in Retirement and Later Life in Contemporary Newfoundland."
Ashton, John. "A Study of the Lumbercamp Song Tradition in Newfoundland."
Butler, Gary R. "Supernatural Folk Belief Expression in a French-Newfoundland Community: A Study of Expressive Form, Communicative Process and Social Function in L'Anse-à-Canards."
Scott, John R. "Personal Experience Narratives Among Professional Sailors: Generic Keys to the Study of an Occupation."
Cartwright, Christine A. "Charismatic Culture in St. John's, Newfoundland: A Crossdenominational Study of Religious Folklore in Three Groups." (2 vols.)
Laba, Martin. "Narrative and Talk: A Study in the Folkloric Communication of Everyday Conversational Exchange."
Lovelace, Martin J. "The Presentation of Folklife in the Biographies and Autobiographies of English Rural Workers."
McCarl, Robert Smith, Jr. "Occupational Folklife: An Examination of the Expressive Aspects of the Work Culture with Particular Reference to Firefighters."
Coldwell, Joyce I.C. "Treasure Stories and Beliefs in Atlantic Canada."
Taft, Michael E. "The Lyrics of Race Record Blues, 1920-1942: A Semantic Approach to the Structural Analysis of a Formulaic System."
Thomas, Gerald. "Stories, Storytelling and Storytellers in Newfoundland's French Tradition: A Study of the Narrative Art of Four French Newfoundlanders." (2 vols.)
Tallman, Richard. "The Tall Tale Tradition and the Teller: A Biographical-Contextual Study of a Storyteller, Robert Coffil of Blomidon, Nova Scotia." (2 vols.)
Widdowson, John D.A. "Aspects of Traditional Verbal Control: Threats and Threatening Figures in Newfoundland Folklore." (2 vols.)