Completed MA Theses
Carr, Sujittra Avery. An examination of the parking goddess and gendered vulnerability on the US West Coast.
Wyatt, Hirschfeld Shirbley. Domestic ethnicity: The Lebanese diaspora in Newfoundland.
Horeth, Rebecca. "In our own way": Tradition and transmission among later-generation Transylvanian Saxons in Canada.
Visos-Ely, Jade. Transformative narratives: Resisting and reinforcing patriarchy in reimagined fairy tales.
Dyck, Brittany. "All the other kids with the pumped up kicks" - An investigation of school shooting jokes told by American teenagers on TikTok.
Era, Mahmuda. The 'Swadeshi Jinish' from the 'Didima Company': An analysis of the connection between Thakurmar Jhuli by Dakshinaranjan Mitra Majumder and nationalism in Bengal in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century.
Langford, Barlow. Queer and posthumanism interpretations of Newfoundland fairylore.
Knoop, Magdalyn. Assumptions of Irishness in the fairylore of Newfoundland.
Browne, Jeanette. We were forced out: The resettling of Placentia Bay.
Crocker, Abigail. "He stuns yer arse": Jack tales in contemporary Newfoundland and Labrador.
Esquival Suarez, Mariana. A country full of Lloronas: La Llorona as a protest symbol against enforced disappearances in Mexico.
Fleming, Kathleen. "Taken by the fairies" An examination of contemporary fairy commodification and culture in Newfoundland.
No graduates for 2020.
Chasse, Maeghan. There's No Place Like Home: A Study on World War II War Brides and Their Families in Northwestern Ontario
Dignam, Natalie. The Craft Beer Network: Inside Newfoundland's Craft Beer Boom
Huang, Qian. Drinking Tea in St. John's: A Study of Diasporic Chinese Tea Drinking and Ethnic Identity
Richardson, Amy. The Devil is a Myth: The Dynamic Uses of the Folkloresque within Hellboy and Fables
Sarwar, Nadia. (Re) Historicization of the past at the Royal Newfoundland Regiment gallery of The Rooms
Blythe, Christine. Vernacular Theology, Home Birth and the Mormon Tradition
Moyle, Jeremy. House Style adn Class in Vicorian and Edwardian Dunedin, New Zealand, 1870-1910
Tehrani, Behak Rueentan. The prosody of Cayuga Particles
Ye, Tanyan. Somewhere in Between: Chinese Identity and Community in St. John's as seen through Chinese Restaurants
Etaati, Saeedeh Niktab. Sharpening the Sword and Rounding the Shield: Online jokes and the vernacular response to political reform in Iran
McGuire, Andrea. Hitchhiking in an Age of Suspicion: Work techniques and personal experience narratives of hitchhiking in Newfoundland and Cape Breton
Tennier-Stuart, Emma. The Performance of Heritage Tourism Sites: communicate competence in two Cornish tourist villages
Christie, Annemarie. Powder-horns, Pump Organs and Pews: Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Preservation of a 19th Century Wooden Church in Newfoundland
LaDuke, John. "Hop Houses in Otsego County, New York"
Small, Contessa. "Co-Creating Harry Potter: Children's Fan-Play, Folklore and Participatory Culture"
Bethune, Caitlin. Rain City Chronicles: Building Community Through Personal Storytelling in Vancouver, B.C.
Carroll, Kayla. An Occupational Folklife Analysis of Women's Housework in St. Lunaire-Griquet, Newfoundland
Catherwood, Kristin. Raising the Barn: Traditional Knowledge and the Structuring of a Southern Saskatchewan Cultural Landscape
Winter, Laura. Bloody Mary in the Mirror: A Comparative Examination of a Living Tradition in Contemporary Folklore
Morritt, Noah. "The Making of Scotty Carmichael's Collingwood: Folklore and Vernacular History in a Central Ontario Shipbuilding Community"
Brown, Christopher. "Part of the Hive: An Autoethnograhic Account of Immersing in the Folklife of the Beekeepers of the Greater Pittsburgh Area."
Nippard, Leone. " Fishing Is Not Everything: The Occupational Folklife of Guides at Pratt Falls Salmon Lodge."
Roy, Purna. " Situational Storytelling for Children and Young Adults in Bengali Household: A Study of Texts and Contexts."
Hollett, Michelle. "Finding Family Through the Trees: Making Connections Through Felling, Milling, and Building."
King, Heather. "Remote Wilderness Cabins on the Avalon Peninsula: Male Spaces and Culture."
Sadighjamali, Saeedeh. "Courtyard Housing: A Comparative Study."
Aalders, Julie. "I've Learn'd to Sing a Glad New Song": Singing Sacred Harp with the Ottawa Shape Note Chorus.
Antal, Andrea. Food and Catering in One Woman's Creative Performance of Ethnic and Gender Identity.
Froebe, Candace. Loving Intentions: A Look at Contemporary Mennonite International Communities.
McEwen, Annie. "There was more Strength in Singing": Community, Identity, and the Performance of Memory in the Folk of the Sea Choir, 1994-2000.
Pietropaolo, Cristina. "So'na Bujanes[a] in Canada": The Language and Poetry of Concetta Sinibaldi.
Porter, Michelle. "'Tales in a Tent': John Sampson's Representation of Romanies."
Wilson, Lisa. "Iconography of the Newfoundland Quilt: Piecing Together Meaning on the Great Northern Peninsula."
Jack, Meghann. "(Re) Visiting the Industrial Past: Representation and Meaning at Nova Scotia's Museum of Industry."
McKechnie, Rhiannon. "With Terror in Their Hearts: A Structural and Textual Analysis of Gender Transmission and the Enjoyment of Horror in Slasher Films and Contemporary Legends."
Rutherford, Clara. "The Place of the Labrador Fishery in the Folklife of a Newfoundland Community."
Staple, Benjamin. "Folklore of the Virtual Elves: Social Identity Construction and Performance in a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG)."
Learning, Jeffery. "Channels of Communication: A Study of Folklore in the Segmented Online 'Communities' Within Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs)."
Lundrigan, Gary. "Ethnic Identity in Vernacular Newfoundland Culture: Occupational Memories as Narratives of Seven Retired Newfoundland Men."
Pierce, Leslie. "Making a Scene: An Ethnography of Participation in the St. John's Independent Rock Music Scene, circa 1985 to 1995."
Sanchini, Laura. "It's Strange, We're Not Italian But We're Not Canadian Either: The Performance of Ethnic Identity Among Young Montreal Italians."
Warren, John. "Moose Hunting in Heart's Content, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland."
Yoshimura, Ayako. "Oriental Shop: An Ethnography of Material Communication Inside an Asian Grocery Store in Madison, Wisconsin."
Baker, Jedediah. "Help! I Need Somebody (Not Just Anybody) The Folktale's Helper in Personal Experience Narratives of Recovering Alcoholics."
Carroll, Patrick. "How a Community Understands Its Past: Oral History, Archaeology and Identity in Placentia, Newfoundland."
Gillett, Heather. "'What is a Brickmaker?': An Occupational Folklife Study of the Chipman Brick Industry."
Urquhart, Emily. "'That Nice Gorgeous Cusp': Social Stratification in Contemporary Newfoundland Rug-Hooking."
Després, Sébastien. "Belief and Identity Through the Production of Music in the Roman Catholic Liturgy: The Ethnography of La Sainte famille Parish Unity's Youth Musical Ensemble Shaida."
Patch, Rosie. "Contemporary Hobby Knitting: The Preservation and Reinvention of Traditional Craft."
Read, Heather. "Storying Home in St. John's, Newfoundland."
Machin, Lisa. "Public and Private Customs in the Military: A Case Study of the Observance of Remembrance Day by 56 Field Engineer Squadron, St. John's, Newfoundland."
Matte, Lynn. "Oral Narratives of the 1929 Newfoundland Tidal Wave: Narrative Functions, Gender Roles and Commodification."
Columbus Doyle, Erin. "‘The Community is the Culture’: Festivity, Community Identity and Ethnicity at the Antigonish Highland Games."
Coviello, Elizabeth. "‘Michael and the Ninja Turtles’: The Incorporation of Popular Culture in Newfoundland’s Children’s Narratives."
Fraser, Joy. "Never Give Up the Ghost: An Analysis of Three Edinburgh Ghost Tour Companies."
Lovatt, Melanie. "Personalising Popular Culture: The Uses and Functions of the Mix Tape."
Olender, Jenna. "View From the Edge: Vernacular Theory and Cyberpunk Fandom."
Simmonds, Tara. "An Exploration of Landscape with Respect to Supernatural Belief Narratives in Newfoundland and Labrador."
Leary, Frances. "The Honey Island Swamp Monster: TheDevelopment and Maintenance of a Folk and Commodified Belief Tradition."
MacSween, Marie. "The Road to Resistance: The Stories of Four Cape Breton Women."
Ní Shúilleabháin, Caoimhe. "The Wren Tradition and Other Visiting Customs in Newfoundland and Ireland."
Walsh, Kieran. "The Newfoundland and Labrador Sea Urchin Fishery: Popular Knowledge, Identity and Occupational Attitudes Within the New Fishery."
Drover, John. "Potential, Currents, Power and Resistance: A Queer Look at the Circuit."
Lines, Linda. "Folklore-In-Education: A Teaching Tool in the Classroom."
McGann, Cliff. "Dan R. MacDonald: Creativity and Change Within the Cape Breton Fiddling Milieu."
Alburo, Jade. "Box Populi: A Socio-Cultural Study of the Filipino Balikbayan Box."
Coristine, Pamela. "The Landscape of Home: The Role of signal Hill in the Emergence of a Sense of Place and Identity in St. John’s, Newfoundland."
Crocker, Madelyn. "The Argin’ Ground: A Social Locus in Trout River circa 1920 - present."
McDavid, Sara Jodi. "‘We’re Dirty Sons of Bitches’: Residence Rites of Passage at a Small Maritime University."
Grant, Jessica. "The Social Costs of Cooking From Scratch: Approaching my Mother’s Brownie Recipe."
Jarvis, Dale. "Architectural Change and Architectural Meaning in Moravian Labrador."
Keeping, Neachel. "Telling the Untellable: Traditional Beliefs Related to Violence Against Women in a Rural Newfoundland Community."
Partyka, Justin. "The Occupational Folklife of a Norfolk Lurcherman."
Stepanek, Heidi. "An Examination of Folk-Music-Inspired Composition in Canada Through Analysis of Settings of ‘Dans tous les Cantons’."
Dwyer, Paul. "Dory Building in the Bay of Islands, Newfoundland: Cultural and Technological Impacts on a Traditional Boat Type."
Myrick, Jean. "Belief and Custom Surrounding the Ouija Board."
Bodner, John. "Slash Romance: Work and Non-Work in the Occupation of Tree Planting."
Kelso, Julia. "Death and Real Estate: A Study of the Impact of Death on Real Estate Values."
Silvester, Mary Nicole. "There’s a Piece of Wad Please a Brownie: A Comparative Study of Offerings to the Fairies in Traditional Cultures and Contemporary Earth-Centred Religions."
Small, Contessa. "Occupational Narratives of Pulp and Paper Mill Workers in Corner Brook, Newfoundland: A Study in Occupational Folklife."
Wheeler, Sandra. "An Ethnographic Study of the Consumers of Elizabeth Margot Wall's Paintings."
Coles, Keith. "Children's Games and Social Change in Savage Cove, Newfoundland (1900-1992)."
Everett, Holly. "Crossroads: Roadside Accident Memorials In and Around Austin, Texas."
Henderson, Lizanne. "The Guid Neighbours: Fairy Belief in Early Modern Scotland, 1500-1800."
Ferguson, Mark. "Making Salt Fish on the Northeast Coast of Newfoundland: A Study in Historic Occupational Folklife."
Guigné, Anna. "Knowledge, Belief and Practice; A Case Study of the 'Little Buddy' Legend."
Hohmann, Delf. "The Play and Games of the Children of Southern Harbour, Placentia Bay, Newfoundland."
Rahn, Millie. "Club 47: An Historical Ethnography of a Folk-Revival Venue in North America, 1958-1968."
Kozar, Seana. "Unmasking a 'Sitting Ghost': Stories of Traditional and Non-Traditional Chinese Heroines Collected in Newfoundland."
Thomson, Jillian. "To Let the Children Know: The Traditions and Adaptations of the Chinese Community of the Avalon Peninsula."
Boyd, Cynthia. "An Occupational-Biographical Study of William Winter (1863-1936): An Analysis of a Furniture Maker and the Furniture Making Process in Clarke's Beach, Newfoundland."
Condon, Eileen M. "Confirmation: A Folklore Ethnography of Roman Catholic Parish Practice in Newfoundland."
Mason, Bruce. "Belief, Explanation and Rhetoric in the Crop Circle Phenomenon of Southern England."
Saugeres, Lise. "Figgy Duff and Newfoundland Culture."
Bold, Valentina. "James Hogg and the Traditional Culture of the Scottish Borders."
Cousins, John R. "Horses in the Folklife of Western Prince Edward Island: Custom, Belief and Oral Tradition."
Liu, Jianxiang. "Continuation and Acculturation: A Study of Foodways of Three Immigrant Chinese Families in St. John's, Newfoundland."
Zhu, Nianqiang. "Told by the Newfoundland Chinese: A Translation, Contextual Description and Analysis of the Jokes Collected from Two Groups in the St. John's Chinese Community."
Fulton, Patricia L. "Social and Personal Values and Attitudes of Newfoundland Lightkeepers: A Dyadic Life History of a Married Couple."
Halley, Morgiana P. "Marine Disasters in Newfoundland Folk Balladry including a Classificatory System for Sea Disaster Narrative."
McKinnon, Ian F. "Fiddling to Fortune: The Role of Commercial Recordings Made by Cape Breton Fiddlers in the Fiddle Music Tradition of Cape Breton Island."
Freer, Elene J. "Playing the Auction Game: An Exploration of the Relationship Between Play and Auctions."
MacDonald, Lynn M. "A Survey of Mat Hooking Traditions in Central Nova Scotia 1900-1985."
MacPherson, Natalie O. "Talk, Narrative, and Social Interaction in a Cape Breton General Store."
Butt, William C. "Richard Wells: A Newfoundland Storyteller and Aspects of His Storytelling."
Hart, Susan M.A. "'We Laugh at the World Around Us:' The Folklore of a Young Male Friendship Group."
Hiscock, Philip D. "Folklore and Popular Culture in Early Newfoundland Radio Broadcasting: An Analysis of Occupational Narrative, Oral History and Song Repertoire."
Kearney, Peter. "Oral Tradition and the Scottish Coal Miners."
Kimiecik, Kathryn M. "Aspects of Contemporary Courtship in a Rural Newfoundland Community."
Houlden, Penelope D. "The Expression of Tradition: Perennial Gardening in St. John's, Newfoundland."
MacDonald, Martha J. "Group Identity in Social Gatherings: Traditions and Community on the Iona Peninsula, Cape Breton."
Weir, B. Gail. "The Wabana Iron Ore Miners of Bell Island, Conception Bay, Newfoundland: Their Occupational Folklife and Oral Folk History."
Bowman, Marion I. "Devotion to St. Gerard Majella in Newfoundland: The Saint System in Operation and Transition."
Brauner, Cheryl A. "A Study of the Newport Folk Festival and the Newport Folk Foundation."
Kahn, Alison J. "The Jews of St. John's, Newfoundland: A Rhetorical Approach to a Community Autobiography."
Moreira, James H. "The Songs of the Shantymen: Composition and Performance in a Nineteenth Century Tradition."
Boe, David S. "A Musical Analysis of Folktunes from Deseronto, Ontario."
Dunsiger, Jane C (Ardus). "A Comparative Study of Narrative Accounts of Visits Home Drawn From the Immigrant Ethnic Community in St. John's, Newfoundland."
Hornby, James J. "The Fiddle on the Island: Fiddling Tradition on Prince Edward Island."
Burns, Mary Elizabeth Jane. "An Oral History of the l979 Strike at the St. John's Evening Telegram."
MacKinnon, Richard P. "Carriage-Making in St. John's, Newfoundland: A Historical Study of the Products of a Folk Industry."
McNaughton, Janet E. "A Study of the CPR-Sponsored Quebec Folk Song and Handicraft Festivals, l927-l930."
Quigley, Colin H. "Folk Dance and Dance Events in Rural Newfoundland."
Saunders, Sheila M. "Folklore, the School and the Child: The Role of Formal Education in Children's Calendar Customs in a Newfoundland Outport."
Schwoefferman, Catherine A. "An Exploration of the November Fifth Bonfire Celebration in Brigus, Newfoundland."
Tye, Diane I. "A Contextual Study of a Newfoundland Folk Artist: Patrick J. Murphy, Bell Island."
Brown, Sheila M. "The Church Bell Tradition in Newfoundland: A Reflection of Culture Change."
Fraser, Ingrid A. "Public Tradition in an Urban Context: An Occupational Folklore Study of Musicians in St. John's."
Greenhill, Pauline J. "Record, Communication, Entertainment: A Functional Study of Two Family Photograph Collections in St. John's, Newfoundland."
Planetta, Elizabeth C. (Beaton). "Sorcery Beliefs and Oral Tradition in Cheticamp, Cape Breton."
Swackhammer, Robert McBeth. "'I'm a Professional, But I'm Not on Records': The Reflection of a Performer's Self-Image in His Repertoire."
Taylor, David A. "Boatbuilding in Winterton: The Design, Construction and Use of Inshore Fishing Boats in a Newfoundland Community." (2 vols.)
Dargan, Mary Amanda. "Family Identity and the Social Use of Folklore: A South Carolina Family Tradition."
Lamson, Cynthia. "'Bloody Decks and a Bumper Crop': The Rhetoric of Counter-Protest."
Mercer, Harold Paul. "A Bio-Bibliography of Newfoundland Songs in Printed Sources."
Smith, Mary Georgina (Boyes). "Castleton Garland Ceremony: Variation and Persistence in a North Derbyshire Calendar Custom."
Kosby, Joan B. "An Ethnography of the St. Albans Folk Music Club."
Cox, Gordon S.A. "Some Aspects of the Folk Music Complex of a Newfoundland Outport."
Doucette, C.M. Laurel. "Skill and Status: Traditional Expertise Within a Rural Canadian Family."
Gray, Pamela J. "Traditional Newfoundland Foodways: Origin, Adaptation and Change."
Kodish, Debora G. "'Good Friends and Bad Enemies': Robert W. Gordon and American Folksong Scholarship."
Lowell, Mary Windsor. "Social Interaction Between Townspeople and Summer Residents in the Resort Community of Nahant, Massachusetts."
Morrison, Monica Sue. "'Small Boy in Small Town': An Individual's Response to The Study of His Own Life."
Lovelace, Martin J. "The Life History of a Dorset Folk Healer: The Influence of Personality on the Modification of a Traditional Role."
Pocius, Gerald L. "The Place of Burial: Spatial Focus of Contact of the Living with the Dead in Eastern Areas of the Avalon Peninsula of Newfoundland."
Bennett-Knight, Margaret. "Some Aspects of the Scottish Gaelic Traditions of the Codroy Valley, Newfoundland."
Posen, Ira S. "Songs and Singing Tradition at Children's Summer Camps."
Scott, John R. "The Function of Folklore in the Interrelationship of the Newfoundland Seal Fishery and the Home Communities of the Sealers."
Verrall, Edith Ann. "The Uses of Videotaping in Folklore Fieldwork: Some Problems in the Transcription of a Children's Game."
Jackson, S.H. "Some Masking Customs of German-Speaking Central Europe: A Descriptive Survey."
Murray, Hilda E.L. "The Traditional Role of Women in a Newfoundland Fishing Community."
Small, Lawrence G. "Patterns in Personal Experience Narratives: Storytelling at Cod Harbour -- A Newfoundland Fishing Community."
Wareham, Wilfred W. "Social Change and Music Traditions: The Role of Singing in the Life of a Newfoundland Singer."
Casey, George J. "Traditions and Neighbourhoods: The Folklife of a Newfoundland Fishing Outport."
Thomas, Gerald R. "An Analysis of the Tall Tale Genre with Particular Reference to Philippe d'Alcripe's La Nouvelle Fabrique des Excellents Traits de Vérité (circa 1579); together with an Annotated Translation of the Work."