PhD Thesis Proposal
PhD Thesis Research Proposal
The PhD Thesis Research Proposal is a document outlining the planned research project for the doctoral degree. The proposal includes details of the proposed research topic, key questions, methodology, expected outcomes, and rationale for why this research is important and relevant to the field. The proposal is normally submitted no later than the end of the semester following the completion of comprehensive examinations.
The student, in consultation with the supervisor, will choose two other supervisory committee members. They can be the same individuals who served as experts on the comprehensive examination committee but this is not required.
The thesis research proposal should be 10-12 pages (excluding bibliography and appendices), double-spaced, and follow the Turabian Citation Style. The proposal should contain the following components:
- Topic and Research Questions: The thesis topic will present an analysis and investigation of a specific aspect of folkloristic inquiry with research questions exploring the meaning, variations, origins, and social context of the folkloric elements within a particular group or situation. (1 page)
- Literature Review: Examine existing research on various aspects of the research topic(s), identify gaps in the existing scholarship and the plan to address those. (4-6 pages)
3. Detailed statement of methods: Describe how the research questions will be answered. Specifically outline the project and research plan. Give theoretical justifications for the methods used, as well as the ‘nuts and bolts’ of the research plan. Describe the proposed research procedures, including, (1) where the research is being conducted; (2) who will be included in the research and in what ways; (3) the kinds of information that will be gathered. (2-3 pages)
4. Significance of research: Why is this research, with these methods, and these groups/individuals important now? What is the relevance to/appropriateness of the particular student conducting this research? What will this research contribute to the field and/or larger academic community (and/or beyond)? (1 page)
5. Detailed schedule of work with a calendar: Develop a detailed calendar of work and production timeline. Include work already completed, planned research schedule (think about what is feasible and consider logistics, time, and funding), meetings with supervisor, writing and revisions. (1-2 pages)
6. Bibliography. (page length varies)
7. Questionnaires and other research tools. (attach copies in Appendix)
8. The research proposal must be approved by the three members of the supervisory committee. The supervisor then forwards the proposal to the Graduate Officer, who shares it with the rest of the folklore faculty to seek t heir approval.
Each student is responsible for securing ethics approval through the Interdisciplinary Committee on Ethics in Human Research (ICEHR). Normally, the student begins working on their ethics application immediately after the Department approves the research proposal.