B.Sc. (hons) student Maria O'Neill to attend S-IMEW 2025!

Mar 7th, 2025

Careen, L

B.Sc. Earth Sciences (Honours) student Maria O'Neill was selected to participate in the PDAC’s 16th annual Student-Industry Mineral Exploration Workshop (S-IMEW), a two- week all expenses paid geoscience workshop.

Twenty-five students from post-secondary institutions across Canada will head to Timmins, Onatrio for the four-day field trip where they will learn about the regional geology of the area, participate in underground mine tours at the Timmins West and Bell Creek mines, and visit exploration companies for core logging and core viewing exercises. The field days will be complimented by in class presentations on important subjects such as mineral economics, ESG, mental health & safety, resource modelling and interpretation of data.

Congraualtions Maria!! Safe travels and happy learning.