Funding and Scholarships
Earth Sciences Scholarships and Awards Ceremony 2023
Students in the Department of Earth Sciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland were honored at the annual Scholarships and Awards Ceremony on April 11, 2023. The ceremony recognized academic achievement, financial need and community involvement. Nearly $200,000 was awarded to our undergraduates and graduate students. Click the Read More button to view a featured article about our ceremony in the MUN Gazette!
Earth Sciences Graduate Awards
Buchans Scholarship Fund Of Asarco Incorporated
ASARCO Incorporated has established a scholarship fund, the annual interest on which will provide for students enrolled in the Department of Earth Sciences, Memorial University of Newfoundland, either a scholarship for post-graduate study and research, valued at $5000.00; or two scholarships for undergraduate study, valued at $500.00 each. The latter scholarships will be available only when no suitable candidate can be found for the former. In order to qualify for these awards, students must be native-born Newfoundlanders or graduates of Newfoundland high schools. In the case of the graduate scholarship, the award will be made by the Dean of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences; in the case of the undergraduate scholarships, by the Senate Committee on Scholarships and Financial Aid on the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences. Should no candidates be available in any year, the awards may be held over.
The Hugh Lilly Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship, presently valued at a minimum of $3000.00 per annum, will be awarded to the most promising graduate in the Geosciences at Memorial University of Newfoundland who is continuing studies at the post-graduate level, here or elsewhere. The award honours the memory of the late Hugh Lilly, an instructor in the Earth Sciences Department. Selection of the winning candidate will rest with the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships and Financial Aid in consultation with the Earth Sciences Department.
Dr. Alfred K. Snelgrove Graduate Scholarship In Earth Sciences
A bequest from Dr. Alfred K. Snelgrove makes possible up to two scholarships, valued at $5,000.00 per annum, for students applying for or enrolled in a graduate program in the Department of Earth Sciences. These scholarships are intended primarily for Canadian citizens or landed immigrants, and are awarded by the Dean of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of Earth Sciences. The scholarships are tenable for one year, and may be renewed. They may be held in addition to other scholarships and fellowships, and will be awarded only to applicants whose academic excellence and research potential can be clearly demonstrated.
Chevron Canada Limited Rising Star Awards
Awarded annually to graduate students who are enrolled in a full-time Master's program or a full-time Doctoral program in the areas of Earth Sciences, Engineering and Applied Science, Economics and Business. 80% of these awards will be given to students in the Department of Earth Sciences. Valued at $15,000.00 with the possibility of renewal for a second year, this award will be awarded on the basis of academic merit, demonstration of a strong potential to carry out meaningful research, expression of interest in potential employment in the oil and gas industry and signaling of career location mobility; level of service to community or leadership will also be considered.
The LGL Limited Scholarship in Marine Science
This scholarship, valued at $1,000.00, was established by LGL Limited. It will be awarded annually to a student in the Faculty of Science who is following a program of studies related to Marine Science. The successful candidate will be either a fourth year undergraduate student doing an honours program or a graduate student. Wherever possible, preference will be given to a student from a fishing family, but other students will be considered. In the case of undergraduate students the scholarship will be awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards on the basis of scholarship standing. In the case of graduate students the scholarship will be awarded by the Dean, School of Graduate Studies. In both cases it will be based upon a recommendation from the Dean, Faculty of Science.
Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Newfoundland and Labrador (PEGNL) Past Presidents' Geoscience Scholarship
This scholarship valued at a minimum of $1,000.00 was established by the Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Newfoundland and Labrador. It is awarded annually on the basis of scholarship standing to a Geoscience student at Memorial University of Newfoundland. It is open to either graduate or undergraduate students in any given year and will be allocated as such at the discretion of the Department Head. In the case of undergraduates, the scholarship is awarded by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards upon the recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences in consultation with PEGNL. In the case of graduates it is awarded by the Dean of Graduate Studies upon recommendation of the Head, Department of Earth Sciences, in consultation with PEGNL.
TD Graduate Bursary for Environmental Study
The TD Graduate Bursary for Environmental Study was established by a gift from TD Bank Group to Dare To: The Campaign for Memorial University. The bursaries will be awarded to full-time graduate students enrolled in any program at Memorial University of Newfoundland, provided they are pursuing research and/or study in environmental-related subjects. Recipients must meet the academic criteria for a Bursary. The number and value of the bursaries available each year will depend on the funds available for distribution as per University policy, as well as the applicant pool, and will be determined at the discretion of the Dean, School of Graduate Studies. The bursaries will be awarded by the Dean, School of Graduate Studies based upon recommendations of Deans and/or Department Heads of any eligible discipline.
Elizabeth Mounter Scholarship in Earth Sciences
Awarded annually to a full-time graduate student in the Department of Earth Sciences who meets the minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland. Preference will be given to students at the PhD level.
R. F. Blackwood Memorial Award in Geoscience
Awarded annually to a full-time graduate student in the Department of Earth Sciences who is undertaking field-based geoscientific research as part of their thesis research. While field-based studies are the main criteria of the award, service and contributions to the geoscience community and organizations will also be considered. The qualifying student must demonstrate strong personal values, including a strong work ethic and high personal integrity. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Dr. James A. Wright Memorial Scholarship in Earth Sciences
Awarded annually to a full-time graduate student pursuing Geophysical research related to the exploration or development of onshore/offshore petroleum resources in Newfoundland and Labrador. This scholarship is valued at $1,099.00. Candidates must meet minimum academic requirements for a scholarship as defined by Memorial University and must be engaged in non-political community and/or church volunteer activities.
The Ernst R. Deutsch Memorial Scholarship in Geophysics
Awarded annually to a senior undergraduate student in the Department of Earth Sciences (or related field of Physics) whose concentration is Geophysics. If there is no qualified undergraduate student, the scholarship will be awarded to a full-time graduate student in the Department of Earth Sciences who has received an undergraduate degree from Memorial University and whose area of concentration is Geophysics. The scholarship is valued at $1,000.00. It will be awarded on the basis of scholarship standing.
The Dennis R. Prince Memorial Scholarship
Awarded annually to a student enrolled full-time in the Department of Earth Sciences who is specializing in mineral exploration and development at Memorial University. If there is no qualified undergraduate student available, this award will be awarded to a graduate student. This Scholarship is valued at $2,000.00. The qualified student must demonstrate scholarship standing, strong personal values inlcuding a strong work ethic and high personal integrity. Active participation and leadership in geological associations and activities such as The Alexander Murray Geology Club and the Geological Association of Canada may be taken into consideration as well as financial need.
School of Graduate Studies F. A. Aldrich Fellowship
These fellowships were established to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the School of Graduate Studies in 1999, from a portion of the proceeds of the Opportunity Fund and in honour of Memorial University of Newfoundland’s first Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Dr. F. A. Aldrich (1970 -1987).