In 2025 the Department of Computer Science moved away from offering stream programs as part of the BSc Major in Computer Science. Instead we moved towards offering concentrations.
What? And why?
The stream programs offered our BSc Major students the opportunity to specialize in one of three fields in computer science. Stream students completed a specialized set of higher level courses in their chosen field. On completion of the stream the title of the degree reflected the specialization. All good things. The issue was one of opportunity.
As specialized major programs the streams are only available to BSc students and required formal registration into a stream program. Thet were not available to honours students, and were mutually exclusive: a student could not complete more than one stream.
In contrast, concentrations can be completed by any cs major student – BSc or BA -without need to change program, are available to honours students, and more than one concentration can be completed. This gives more students more options.
I'm an existing student in a stream program, what happens to me?
You can still complete your stream program. We simply aren't admitting any new students into streams.
The course requirements in three of the four new concentrations closely match the course requirements of the three streams, so we intend to cater to the needs of those students for some time to come.
Details of the stream programs can be found here: