COMP 3401: Introduction to Data Mining

This course is required for the Data-centric Computing concentration and is an elective for the Artificial Intelligence concentration.

Prerequisites: COMP 2002 or the former COMP 2711,  COMP 2007 or the former COMP 3754, and Statistics 2500 or Statistics 2550

Availability: This course is usually offered once per year, in Fall or Winter.

Course Objectives

This course introduces students to the basic concepts and techniques for data mining and knowledge discovery. Students will develop an understanding of the essential data mining technologies, and be able to design and evaluate methods for simple data mining applications.

Representative Workload
  • Assignments (5) 15%
  • In-class Exam 25%
  • Project 10%
  • Final Exam 50%
Representative Course Outline
  • Basic concepts for data mining (3 hours)
  • Attributes (4 hours)
  • Data pre-processing (3 hours)
  • Mining frequent patterns (4 hours)
  • Classification (9 hours)
  • Clustering (6 hours)

Page last updated May 24th 2021