
Finished your Bronze, Silver, and Gold Levels and ready to give back to the VIP Program?

Apply to our prestigious Platinum Level!

Since you’ll be hosting SVB ThinkTanks, we want to make sure you have the minimum communication and leadership skills necessary to make your sessions a good experience for you and the students who attend.

Not every VIP Participant will complete all four levels of the program but many of those who do tell us the Platinum level is the best part of VIP!

Application Process:

Find the link for Platinum under "Register for the VIP" tab, right along with the other levels.

The VIP Platinum Level application is released at the beginning of each semester, and the deadline is the second or third Friday of the first month of the term.

All Platinum Participants must apply, complete an interview with the SVB Coordinator and, upon being accepted into the program, attend a Platinum training session. 

The SVB Coordinator will work with your availability to schedule the ThinkTanks for the semester. Each Platinum Participant must facilitate two ThinkTanks.



Have questions? Email 

Platinum Level Requirements:

Click on a category name for more details on how to fulfill that category's requirements.

GIVE (Volunteer Service)

20 hours

GROW (Professional Development)

1 hour

GAIN (Reflection Component)

1 Pre-Reflection session

1 Post-Reflection Session

Facilitate 2 reflection sessions



Remember that all forms are due back to the SVB by the last day of classes in the semester in which you are completing the VIP!