St. John's 2025 Canada Games

St. John’s will create a unique, positive experience where youth sport plays out in an athlete-centred and inclusive Canada Games — one that showcases diversity and determination. With dignity, fairness, and respect, the athletes, coaches, families, and community will inspire and be inspired on their journey.

Location: Volunteer roles available throughout Games venues located in St. John's and surrounding municipalities.

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Typical volunteer duties: We have over 150 voluneer roles during the Games, anything from Event Services, Food Services, Sport Operations. There is something for everyone!

Commitment: The Games take place from August 8th -25th, 2025 and volunteers are expected to commit a minimum of 32 hours over the 2 weeks. 

Registration: Visit our website ( or the 2025 Canada Games Volunteer Centre, 260 Waterford Bridge Road, St. John's. Operational hours available on the website.