Special Olympics St. John's Explorers
Special Olympics St. John’s is looking for coaches for various sports. If you have a few hours to spare please help to bring the enjoyment of sports to some awesome individuals who need your help to participate. Training can be provided in most of our activities. You would be able to train athletes for competitions and offer sports related activities throughout the year.
We offer:
- Athletics
- Cross Country Skiing
- Rhythmic Gymnastics
- Power-lifting
- 10 Pin Bowling
- Snowshoeing
- 5 Pin Bowling
- Curling
- Track & Field
- Swimming/Learn to Swim
- Active Start/Fundamentals
Volunteer Activities/Duties:
- Coaching
- Head Coaching Roles
- Committee Member on the Board
Commitment: Fall Program: September-May, End of June/August for 8 weeks.
Orientation and Training: At times we do offer training for certain sports. Most sports is not necessary.
Requirements: Code of Conduct. Must be 18 years of age or 14 years of age with a of-age coach that we will place them with.
Contact: Maryanne Walsh
Email: walshmaryanne@gmail.com
Phone Number: (709) 895-6606 or (709) 746-5122
Location: 497 Indian Meal Line