Petty Harbour Mini Aquarium

Petty Harbour Mini Aquarium's mission is to foster curiosity about local marine life, and inspire action toward personal and global sustainability through display, interpretation and direct action. Our goal is to engage residents and visitors to our community in marine education, increasing their knowledge and awareness of local marine species, their biology and habitats, and to provide hands-on experiences with live animals and interactive exhibits.

Location: 35A Southside Road, Petty Harbour, NL

Contact Email:


Social Media

Typical volunteer activities: assisting with interpretation, accompanying staff on outreach visits, assisting with programming like school groups, birthday parties, and sleepovers, gift shop and front desk, habitat cleaning and maintenance, SCUBA dives, animal and sediment collections, and promoting marine conservation through guest interactions. 

Commitment: Weekly three hour shift, however we understand that post secondary students schedules change frequently and so we have some flexibility with scheduling

Registration: Signups can be done by emailing and completing the following form: Petty Harbour Signup

Requirements: Volunteers are required to do a criminal record check and complete a two hour training session

Successful volunteers receive free admission as well as a free family pass, gift shop discounts (10%), a letter of completed hours and reference letter, and a rewarding and fun experience! We are in the process of launching our new Fall/Winter programming so there are lots of exciting opportunities for volunteers