MUN Students First Thrift Store
The Students First Thrift Store has helped to save metric-tonnes worth of clothing and bedding, raised thousands for the Campus Food Bank, and reallocated clothing to various people and groups in need including indigenous communities on the west coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, Iris Kirby House, The Gathering Place, Tent City, Neighbours in Need, The Neighbourhood, and many other charities. Each year, we have hosted pop-up Thrift Stores and, in collaboration with the Sustainability Committee, hosted the annual residence-wide yard sale.
Location: SN-3116
Social Media:
Typical volunteer duties: We are very close to opening this store at our new location. We have secured space at the University to open the store, thanks to the University President, Facilities Management, and Sustainability Office. We are nearly ready but need your help! There are many roles available to apply for with the Thrift Store. Based on your role, the level of commitment may vary.
Main Presidency Role: Upon training, we are looking for a suitable candidate to take over the presidency role. This leader should ideally be in 1st or 2nd year at MUN or is interested in committing to this role for at least 2 years. The presidency role requires a minimum of 8 hours per week of volunteering. Additionally, all volunteers should be available during April 19th - 23rd to assist in the main donation collections drive as this is the busiest time of the year for the Thrift Store.
General Volunteer Roles: We encourage anyone who is interested in helping during collections & store hours only to apply for a general volunteer position. In the last week of exams, from April 12th - 23rd, we will need many volunteers to assist with collecting the donated clothing from residence at the end of the semester, sorting clothing, folding clothing, and distribution. Additionally, all volunteers should be available during April 19th - 23rd to assist in the main donation collections drive as this is the busiest time of the year for the Thrift Store.
Executive Leader Roles: We invite anyone who exemplifies strong leadership skills to commit to 8-10 hours per week to get the Thrift Store up and running. Additionally, all volunteers should be available during April 19th - 23rd to assist in the main donation collections drive as this is the busiest time of the year for the Thrift Store. Executive positions will be made available after the training period for select applicants who pass the interview process and exemplify high levels of organization, strong advocacy, and a passion for sustainability.
These leadership qualities are crucial as you will be one of the founding members for the Thrift Store here at Memorial University in collaboration with the MUN Sustainability Office, MUCEP/ISWEP, MUNSU, the Residence, and other University groups and departments.
Registration: To sign up for any of our club positions, fill out the following link: By completing this form, you are indicating that you are interested in become a main leader for 2025. Your main goal will be to launch the Thrift Store successfully with close collaboration of various departments and assist in the annual Move-Out Yard Sale.
By completing this form, you also agree to complete virtual training, help to establish the store, and continue previous efforts such as;
- coordinating pop-up Thrift Stores
- raise awareness of sustainability on campus
- recruit volunteers to help run drives
- collaborate with MUNSU, Residence Life, Housing, Sustainability Office, Sustainability Committee, Student Life, MUCEP/ISWEP, and other groups
- and overall... be a pioneers in launching the Thrift Store at the new location!