The Muse Student Newspaper

How to Get Involved

The Muse is Memorial's University's Student Editorial. We are a student-run newspaper that offers students experience in media.

Location: MUN University Centre

Contact: Editor-In-Chief John Harris


Phone Number: (709) 330-5646


Volunteer Activities/Duties: 

• Writing articles: news, sports, science, entertainment, local events, opinion, reviews, and more

• Video production: interview on-camera, film, edit video, direct, write

• Radio show/Podcast: Edit, technical production, filming, writing questions, lining up guests

• Photography: Submit photos, work with writers to produce the visual articles

• Graphic design: Design posts, visuals, posters, or stickers

Commitment: Weekly meetings on Monday, at 4pm in the Council Chambers, UC-2001.

Orientation and Training: We are always available for any questions, reach out to book a meeting with the Editor In Chief.

Registration: Email our Editor-in-Chief at to join!