MUN Students for Palestine

MUN Students for Palestine are a student collective, fighting for liberation from Turtle Island to Palestine. We firmly believe that all liberation is connected, just as all systems of oppression are connected. We demand MUN to disclose its investments in weapons manufacturers and entities and divest those funds, and treat Palestinian students fairly.

Contact Email:

Typical Volunteer Duties: Set up, take down, getting signatures for petitions, assisting with events, etc.

Commitment: Food Not Bombs (FNB) is a once-a-week commitment, from 12-2 on Tuesdays. We also have lots of opportunities for organizing events on and off campus; we usually have a few per month, however exact numbers may vary. Commitment can therefore be as little as once a month or up to weekly.

Registration: Contact us through Instagram or Twitter, reach out via email, or catch one of us at the Food Not Bombs table or at an event (we post all of our events on Instagram, including information sessions held at the beginning of the semester!)

Social Media Platform links: 

