MUN Saga

Looking to support the 2SLGBT+ community on campus?

MUN Sexual And Gender Advocacy: Resource Center, in UC 6022, is looking for volunteers to help keep our space open and promote our center!

Typical Volunteer Duties & Commitment: We have a relaxed environment with opportunities for any type of volunteer. You can sign up for regular weekly hours to keep our doors open and welcome people into the social space (based on your schedule). Or, you could sign up for hours at fair tables and our events (Queer Prom, Clothing Swaps, etc.). There is also an opportunity to do some peer counseling for those interested. Training is provided for all volunteers to feel fully comfortable operating in our center and events. 

Email:, MUN SAGA on Facebook, or @munsaga2slgbtqia on Instagram.

Social Media:



Registration: Email us or drop by the 6th floor of the University Centre at lunch on school days (check our socials for exact hours) to visit the space, or to ask about current volunteer initiatives. We'll be there, to help make campus fun, safe, and accessible