Lucas Cober

Lucas CoberPrevious Education

B.A. (Hons.) (Religious Studies), Mount Allison University, 2014


Dr. Kim Ian Parker


Blindness; the Bible; Disability Theory; the Bible in Modern Culture; Disability Rights.

Research Statement

My M.A. project is entitled 'The Eyes of the Blind Shall Be Opened': Blindness in the Biblical Tradition, and focuses on rhetorical use of blindness as a narrative tool in the Bible to cast certain characters as weak, ignorant or even morally deficient. Because the Bible has had a profound effect on Western culture throughout history, I seek to understand the Bible's many stances on blindness and rehabilitate blind biblical characters to focus on the agency and power that, as human beings, blind people do possess in their lives. Doing this, I hope to challenge contemporary stereotypes about the blind as helpless and show how the Bible can be used to support disability rights advocacy.

