News and Events

Pediatric Resident Research Day 2024

On January 25th, we held our 2024 Pediatric Residents Research Day.  The day featured ten presentations from our pediatric residents.  Topics included elucidating the experiences of male identifying patients with eating disorders (Dr. Ruth Chau); assessing provider interest in transitioning to the Eat, Sleep, Console approach for neonatal abstinence syndrome (Dr. Kathryn Clark); evaluating final year curriculum changes in our pediatric residency program (Dr. Alisha Poppen); an assessment of a hybrid closed-loop system on glycemic outcomes in NL (Dr. Sophia Miao); a needs assessment on breastfeeding training during pediatric residency (Dr. Hilary Price); a retrospective analysis of unintentional pediatric injuries resulting in hospitalization and death in NL (Dr. Katie Smith); assessment of an educational session for family medicine residents on pediatric procedural sedation and analgesia (Dr. Alexis Sharp); and the effects of equity, diversity and inclusion workshops on perceptions of resident trainees (Dr. Sara Trincao-Batra).

  • Dr. Lydia-Elizabeth Lanteigne was awarded the prize for the best resident research proposal. Lydia is helping to develop a trauma-informed, occupational therapy-led sleep intervention for children living in alternate care. Her supervisors are Dr. Leigh Anne Newhook, Dr. Sandra Luscombe, and Dr Anne Drover.

  • Dr. Brandon d’Eon was awarded the Best Resident Research Completed Project for his project “Improving children and families’ healthcare experiences through a Community Social Pediatrics model.”  His supervisor is Dr. Sarah Gander.  Brandon will now go on to represent our Discipline at both the Faculty of Medicine’s Resident Research Symposium on Feb 5th and the National Pediatric Resident Research Competition, which is being held this May.

The judges for research day were Dr. Kathleen Hodgkinson (Memorial) and Ms. Rozane El Masri (Memorial / Janeway Pediatric Research Unit). 

Thank you to everyone involved in helping our residents with their research projects and with making our 2024 Pediatric Resident Research Day another successful event.  

In the photo: Dr. Lydia-Elizabeth Lanteigne, Dr. Brandon d’Eon, Dr. Kathleen Hodgkinson and Ms. Rozane El Masri.