Dr. Derek Nurse 
University Research Professor, MUN, 1999-2004
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, 2002
Professor Emeritus, MUN, 2004
Henrietta Harvey Research Professor, MUN, 2004-2007
Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN)
Mailing Address
3006 Baynes Road, Victoria, BC, Canada V8N 1Y6.
Home Tel: (1-)778-433-5419
Fax: (1-)778-433-8380
Email: dereknurse@shaw.ca
Also Linguistics Department, MUN, St. John’s, NL, Canada A1B 3X9
BA, Modern Languages, Manchester, 1961
MA, German (with linguistic emphasis), UC Berkeley, 1966
Cand. Phil, German, as preceding, 1969
Phd, Linguistics and African Languages, Dar es Salaam, 1977
Research Interests
- historical linguistics
- comparative linguistics
- Swahili
- historical Swahili
- ethnolinguistics
- Bantu languages
- East African languages
- language change (esp. phonological change)
- language contact; phonology (esp. phonological change),typology, interface of linguistics, archaeology, and history
- Niger-Congo
- tense and aspect systems in Bantu and Niger-Congo.