COMP 3150: Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction
This course would be of interest to students who want to develop skills in the design, implementation and evaluation of interactive computing systems.
Prerequisites: COMP 2001
Availability: This course is usually offered once per year, in Fall or Winter.
Course Objectives
This course introduces the fundamental theories, methods, and research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), with an emphasis on understanding human behaviour while interacting with technology, general knowledge of HCI design issues, and a human-centered approach to software design.
Representative Workload
- Assignments 15%
- Midterm Exam 20%
- Course Project 35%
- Final Exam 30%
Representative Course Outline
- Introduction
- History of human-computer interaction
- Design principles
- Pathological designs
- The psychology of everyday things
- GUIs and WIMPS
- Design thinking
- Ideation
- Human processing
- Information processing
- Motor processing
- Visual attention
- Prototyping
- Low-fidelity
- Medium-fidelity
- High-fidelity
- Evaluation without the user
- Heuristics
- Usability inspection
- Evaluation with the user
- User study design
- Observational data
- Quantitative evaluation
- Qualitative evaluation: surveys, interviews, focus groups, think-aloud protocol
- Input and modalities
- Indirect input: pointing, cursors, control display gain
- Direct input
- Physical and virtual touch
- Tangible interfaces
- Gesture
- Speech
- Gaze
- Applications
- Ubiquitous computing
- Information visualization
- Computer-supported collaboration
- Augmented and virtual reality (spatial computing)
- Accessible technology
- Games