COMP 4303: Artificial Intelligence in Computer Games
This course is an elective for the Artificial Intelligence and Visual Computing and Games concentrations.
Prerequisites: COMP 3200
Availability: This course is usually offered once per year, in Fall or Winter.
Course Objectives
This course provides an introduction to specific state-of-the-art algorithmic techniques and data structures that are used to efficiently implement humanlike abilities (e.g., awareness, memory, rational decision-making (under uncertainty), movement, co-operation in groups) in computer game agents.
Representative Workload
- Assignments (4) 40%
- Tests (2) 20%
- Course Project 30%
Representative Course Outline
- Background: Computer Games (3 hours)
- Basic Decision-Making (12 hours)
- Scripting
- Finite-state Automata
- Rule-based systems
- Utility systems
- Movement (6 hours)
- Advanced Decision-Making (6 hours)
- Strategy and tactics; group activities
- Awareness and Memory (6 hours)
- Learning from Experience (3 hours)
Page last updated May 24th 2021