COMP 4302: 3D Computer Graphics
This course is an elective for the Visual Computing and Games concentration.
Prerequisites: COMP 3301
Availability: This course is usually offered once per year, in Fall or Winter.
Course Objectives
This course introduces students to state-of-the-art concepts and developments in the field of 3D computer graphics. The underlying algorithms, as well as the basic techniques to develop interactive 3D graphics systems including games and simulators, are presented. Topics of the course include 3D geometrical transformations, 3D projections, 3D modeling and rendering, 3D graphics languages and systems. Advanced photorealistic rendering and image-based rendering techniques may also be covered.
Representative Workload
- Assignments (3-4) 45%
- In-class Exam 25%
- Final Exam 30%
Representative Course Outline
- Introduction to 3D Graphics (1 hour)
- Graphics Pipelines (1 hour)
- Fixed & programmable pipelines
- Graphic APIs (1-4 hours)
- Processing input for 3D graphics systems (1 hour)
- Geometrical Transformation (4 hours)
- Math Preliminary
- 3D Transformations, 3D Projections, 3D Viewing
- 3D Modeling (3-6 hours)
- Geometric Primitives, Defining 3D Geometry
- Parametric Curve, Parametric Surface,
- Solid Modeling, Point Set Surface
- Shading (3 hours)
- 3D Rendering (3-6 hours)
- Visibility Determination
- Rasterization and Rendering Buffers
- Illumination Model
- Polygon Shading, Texture Mapping, Anti-Aliasing
- Photorealistic Rendering (1-4 hours)
- Global Illumination
- Ray Casting, Ray Tracing
- Radiosity Rendering
- Photon Mapping
- Credit cannot be obtained for both Computer Science 4302 and the former Computer Science 4751.
Page last updated May 24th 2021