Registration Issues

Registering for Courses
Prerequisite and Corequisite Requirements
Dropping a Course
Requesting the Deferral of a Final Exam

Registering for Courses

Registration opens approximately 8 weeks before the start of a semester.  See Important Dates and Deadlines for the specific date each semester.

All registration is done through Self-Service.

Restricted and Reserved Courses

Registration for COMP 2001, COMP 2002 and COMP 2003 is restricted to CS Majors and Minors only. Other students cannot waitlist or register for these courses.

All other courses at the 2000 and above are reserved for CS Major, Minor and Honours students. Other students cannot register or waitlist for those courses while the reserve is in place.

There are no exceptions. If you attempted to get into a CS program and did not succeed then you must speak with an academic advisor to discuss alternative study plans.

The Course I want to take is Full!

Many of our courses reach full enrolment soon after registration opens. We have maximum capacities for enrolment for each of our courses for a variety of reasons, including instructor load, the type of assessment used, and available physical class and lab space. So unfortunately we can't just "squeeze in an extra body"! We also cannot change the ordering of the waitlist - it's first-come, first-served.

But, often other students register for a course and then change their mind before the semester begins, or even after the first class. So we recommend that students keep their place on the waitlist in case a space becomes available for them.  In the meantime remember that many of our courses are offered in both Fall and Winter semester. Consider taking other courses this semester, including non-CS electives. If necessary, contact our Academic Advisor to plan your studies.

Registering Late for a Course

The last day for students to register for a course is usually two weeks after the first day of lectures in a semester. See Important Dates and Deadlines for the exact date.

Normally a student cannot register for classes after this point, and normally we will not grant any request to join a class after this date.

To make such a request, contact  We will contact the course instructor, discuss your case, and let you know the outcome.

Prerequisite and Corequisite Requirements

Almost all of our courses have prerequisite and corequisite requirments.  Courses that must have been passed prior to taking the course, or courses that must be taken (at the latest) at the same as the course.

Those requirements are there for good reason.  To ensure that students have the necessary skills, knowledge and experience to tackle a course.

The prerequisite requirements for our core courses (COMP1001 through COMP2008) cannot be waived.

Dropping a Course

The last day for students to drop courses without academic prejudice is usually eight weeks after the first day of lectures in a semester.  See Important Dates and Deadlines for the exact date.

Students can drop courses autonomously through Self-Service until that date.

Requesting a Late Course Drop

Dropping a course after the last date mentioned above is an exceptional event, and it can only be granted where a student has been unable to complete the requirements of a course due to illness, bereavement, or other acceptable cause, duly authenticated in writing.  The underlying reason must have significantly impacted the student's performance.

The request is made using a Course Change Form.

If the reason is medical, then a Student Health Certificate is required. See Information Required in Certificates from Health Professionals.

 We do not accept online Maple medical notes, or similar.

Requests for late course drops must be sent to, along with all required documentation, for consideration of the Deputy Head for Undergraduate Studies.

Do not send the request to your course instructor.  We will contact the course instructor for further information where necessary.

Requesting the Deferral of a Final Exam

Making a request for a deferred final exam is an exceptional event.

A deferred exam can only be granted where a student has been unable to write the exam due to illness, bereavement, or other acceptable cause, duly authenticated in writing.

The request is made using an Application for a Deferred Examination form.

There are two types of application form, depending on whether your course is web-based or campus-based (which includes remote-online courses).  Be sure to submit the correct form!

If the reason is medical, then a Student Health Certificate is required. See Information Required in Certificates from Health Professionals.

 We do not accept online Maple medical notes, or similar.

Requests for deferred final exams must be sent to, along with all required documentation, for consideration of the Deputy Head for Undergraduate Studies.

Do not send the request to your course instructor.  We will contact the course instructor for further information where necessary.