Master of AI

The Master of Artificial Intelligence (MAI) course-based program is a 16-month program (starting in September). Applicants to this program are expected to have completed a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related field, such as Computer Engineering and Information Technology (or any other computing-related sciences). The program is intended for students who wish to gain the necessary skills to integrate and deploy Artificial Intelligence in a variety of sectors. No financial aid is provided to course-based students and students must have the necessary resources to self-support during their studies. There is a special fee for this program (to be paid in addition to regular tuition).

Students are required to take a minimum of 10 courses. From those, 7 courses are core courses, and 3 courses are electives. The first semester of the program is preparatory in nature, covering key aspects from mathematics and computing that will be required for subsequent courses. The second semester provides a broad introduction to Artificial Intelligence. The third and fourth semesters focus on electives and a capstone course, allowing students to begin to specialize in their topics of interest.

The following table presents a typical study progression for MAI students.


Start in Fall Semester

September – December 

AI 6000 (AI Foundations) 

COMP 6901 (Applied Algorithms) 

ENGI 9818 (Software Fundamentals)

January - April 

COMP 6915 (Introduction to Machine Learning) 

COMP 6980 (Algorithmic Techniques for Artificial Intelligence) 

AI 6001 (Topics in AI)

May - August 

Elective 1 

AI 6002 (Capstone Project)

September – December 

Elective 2 

Elective 3