BioloGy 3950 - FUndAmenTAls of GeneTiC BioTeChnoloGy

Dr. Steven M. Carr

Department of Biology
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's NL A1C 5S9, Canada

    Bio3950 Course Outline updated May 01, 2024
    Biol3950 Grading scheme updated April 26, 2024
     MATLAB software

MEGA X (Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis) software

Other web pages of interest:

      Genetic Research in the Carr lab
      Bio2900 - Principles of Systematics & Evolution    

      Bio4241 - Advanced Genetics 
      Bio4250 - Evolutionary Genetics
      Bio4270 - History of Biology                                      

Click here to e-mail me questions, comments, or suggestions.
    Please include '3950' in the subject line

Biol3950 runs every morning and every afternoon from 22 April to 10 May 2024 (Spring Semester 2024)

Lectures:       MTuWThF     CSF 4320     0900 ~ 1000

Labs:              MTuWThF     CSF 4320     1400 ~ 1700

Office Hours: MTuWThF     CSF 4342     1000 ~ 1100

Lecture & Lab times are flexible, and will be adjusted to accommodate lab experiments.

Course lecture notes:
    Lecture Topic Lecture last Revised Lecture Date Lab Materials
  1   History of DNA & Biotechnology   21 Apr 2024   22 April 2024
2   Biochemistry of DNA  21 Apr 2024   23 April 2024
3   DNA Replication & Transcription 21 Apr 2024   24 April 2024
NCBI Primer    Design
4    The Genetic Code & DNA Variation 21 Apr 2024   25~26 April 2024
5     Molecular Basis of Mutation & Variation 01 May 2024   TBA

   Principles of Genetic Engineering          GMOs: Golden Rice
01 May 2024   
01 May 2024  
Restriction Mapper
   Biotechnology & Genomics  01 May 2024
  02 May 2024

Environmental DNA (eDNA)
01 May 2024
03 May 2024

DNA bioinformatics


      CRISPR-cas9 biotechnology

06, 07 May 2024
06, 07, 08 May 2024

       Final Exam
10 May 2024;
In Class, 0900-1030

Review:  Primer of Mendelian Genetics

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - sources for images

Site last modified
09 May 2024
This page was first published on 29 February 2024

 I acknowledge that the lands on which this work is presented are situated are in the traditional territories of diverse Indigenous groups, and I acknowledge with respect the diverse histories and cultures of the Beothuk, Mi'kmaw, Innu, and Inuit of this province.

Copyright statement: The lectures, displays, and all material delivered or provided in Biol3950 - Introduction to Biotechnology © Steven M Carr, including any visual or audio recording thereof, are subject to copyright owned by Steven M Carr.
It is prohibited
 to record, copy, or share by any means, in any format, openly or surreptitiously, in whole or in part, in the absence of express written permission from Steven M Carr, any of the lectures, displays, or materials provided or published in any form during or from this course.

Dedicated to Norman Borlaug (1914 - 2009), Geneticist, Nobel Peace Laureate 1970, & Friend of the People of the Earth
              & to Dave Wake (1936 - 2021), Evolutionary Biologist & teacher extraordinaire

 All text material © 2024 by Steven M. Carr