Deferred Maintenance
Quick facts
Built Infrastructure (as of April 2024)
- Memorial’s infrastructure portfolio is valued at over $2B.
- Historically, Memorial received funding from the provincial government for the deferred maintenance program, in the range of $4-10M annually, which ended effective fiscal 2017-18.
- Due to further budget reductions, at this time, the Campus Renewal Fee is the only revenue for funding deferred maintenance. Since inception, this fee provides, on average, $4M annually towards deferred maintenance.
- $481M in deferred maintenance needs have been identified for Memorial’s buildings.
- The facilities condition index (FCI) measures relative condition of a building or facility on a scale: 0-5% (excellent condition), 5-10% (good condition), over 10% (fair to poor condition). The university’s FCI target is 12%, but is currently at about 28% (all campuses).
- At the current funding level of approximately $4M annually, Memorial’s deferred maintenance labilities will continue to grow, with a projected FCI of 47% in 10 years.
- Annual funding requirements for the next 15 years to maintain the current FCI is estimated at $41M. And to reach the target FCI of 12% in 15 years, Memorial would need to spend $65M per year.
Information Technology (as of April 2024)
- Memorial has one of the largest and most complex IT environments in the province.
- The IT infrastructure spans multiple campuses and is spread out over 15 data centres containing more than 1000 servers and several pedabytes of electronic data storage.
- Additionally, an average of 30,000 devices are connected daily to Memorial’s wired and wireless networks; 320,000 calls per month are placed over Memorial's VoIP phone system and ~3.9 million calls per year are received by 20 call centres; 1 billion firewall requests every 8 days.
- In 2024, major IT infrastructure upgrades include a full network upgrade at Grenfell Campus, student residence network upgrade, Faculty of Medicine network upgrade, and significant data centre services and infrastructure upgrades.