4 Quality Education

SDG 4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all

Find the most recent Gazette stories for this goal here.

Teaching and Learning:


  • The Memorial University/Hibernia STEM Teacher Inquiry Program offered between 2013-2018 helped between 60 and 80 K-9 teachers build confidence through inquiry-based classroom practices in STEM subjects. It was a research-centred learning experience for both teachers and students and is helping to foster student success.

Public Engagement:

  • Memorial University’s Indigenous Student Resource Centre hosts a variety of events and social programs such as an open drumming circle, a purification ceremony, and Mid-Week Munchies, a social event for students. 
  • The Memorial Engineering Outreach (MEO) office delivers free, accessible STEM programs to youth who may otherwise not be engaged. The program introduces STEM related in hopes of inspiring create a more innovative and sustainable province.
  • Memorial’s Labrador Institute hosts the Labrador Lands and Waters Science Camp in the Happy Valley-Goose Bay and Upper Lake Melville areas for Innu and Inuit students in grades 8-11. Children learn about plant ecology, archaeology, marine ecology, wildlife monitoring and management, mosquito research and traditional ecological knowledge.
  • Climate Collective is a project run through Memorial University’s Johnson Geo Centre and Botanical Garden with the goal of connecting youth to opportunities for climate innovation. Through this collective, NL youth can attend the Youth Climate Summit where they can learn about a variety of climate and sustainability topics.


  • The MUN Safe app is a mobile app that students can download to receive alerts in the event of an emergency and allows them to quickly contact Campus Enforcement and Patrol to report a safety or security issue. The app gives users access to other resources such as on-campus support features and the Friend Walk option to ensure user safety while walking alone.