Protocol, Flags and Special Services



MarComm can provide advice on precedence and other ceremonial and protocol matters upon request. Please contact the executive director’s office.


The university’s official flag sites are located at Grenfell Campus, Marine Institute and St. John’s Campus. For more information on the policy and procedures governing the flag sites, please refer to the Flags Policy.


MarComm should be promptly notified of a death of a member of the university community so that appropriate communications and observances can be arranged. This may include university-wide notification of the death and expressions of university condolence, such as half-masting of university flags during the funeral/service, a procession of faculty and staff at a funeral/service, sending flowers/donations or messages of condolence. To notify MarComm of a death of a student, faculty or staff member, retiree or honorary graduate, please complete the on-line form to Request to Half-Mast Flags.

  • University Procession
    In the event of the death of a current or retired faculty member and at the request of the family, the university marshal, with the support of Student Life, may form a university procession of employees in academic dress to participate in the funeral or memorial service. In such cases, MarComm will notify the university community and Student Life will arrange to loan academic dress to employees wishing to participate (i.e. black gown and university hood if applicable).

Periods of Mourning

The university also observes declared provincial and/or national periods of mourning by half-masting university flags during these periods. MarComm is tasked with this responsibility under the Flags Policy. For information on established periods of mourning, please see the Procedure for Half-Masting Flags. To request other observances, please complete the on-line form to Request to Half-Mast Flags.

Special Recognitions

The university may periodically recognize other occasions or organizations by raising an associated flag upon request. Upon approval of the university, such other flags will be displayed, where sufficient official flag staffs are available. Examples of this special recognition include flags of registered charitable organizations affiliated with the university, flags of the country of dignitaries making official visits to the university, and flags identified with provincial and/or national periods of recognition and awareness. To make a request to MarComm, which is tasked with this responsibility under the Flags Policy, please complete the on-line form to Request to Display a Flag.