Spell out whole numbers below 10 and use figures for 10 and above.
- Nine minutes, six years, 10 guests, the 22nd day.
When the number is four digits or longer, separate with commas rather than spaces or periods.
- 5,000 not 5000.
For large numbers, it is better to use words or a combination of words and numbers.
- Write 1.4 million rather than 1,400,000. Write one million rather than 1,000,000.
Use figures in addresses (9 Elizabeth Avenue), in ages standing along after a name (Melanie, 3, has two brothers), in dates and years (AD 3, Dec. 8, 2003),
Spell out at the start of a sentence, if you must start with a number.
- Twenty to 30 escaped unharmed.
Do not spell out the year at the start, but avoid: 1972 was a leap year.
For the plural of numbers, including decades, do not use an apostrophe before the "s".
- The 1960s were exciting.
- Give me all the 10s and 20s.
(For percentages, see the
Spelling dictionary section.)