
News Release

REF NO.: 222

SUBJECT: PSA: Memorial University's ARTS on Oceans presents Work and the Sea

DATE: March 31, 2015

ARTS on Oceans is a Faculty of Arts-wide program that examines ocean issues through the lens of the social sciences and humanities.

On Wednesday, April 1, starting at 7:30 p.m. at The Rocket Room, 272 Water St., the Faculty of Arts will present an evening of story, song and moving images focused on work and the sea. 

Featuring Dr. Sean Cadigan (Fish & Whips: Punishment and the Newfoundland Fishery), Jenny Higgins (The Steamer Seal Hunt), musician Jim Payne singing songs of the sea and images from Too Big To Ignore, the event is free and open to all.

A reception will be held at the conclusion of the evening.

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