
News Release

REF NO.: 201

SUBJECT: Memorial's main St. John's campus reopens [updated]

DATE: August 2, 2015

This release replaces news release reference number 200.

Memorial University has made bottled and/or filtered water available for students, faculty, staff and visitors at conveniently accessible locations. As a result, the main St. John's campus is now open.

Buildings have reopened based on one of three criteria being in place:

  • Designated filtered chilling stations have been retrofitted with additional filters designed for lead removal;
  • Or designated supplies of bottled water for faculty, staff, students and visitors are available to use while testing continues;
  • Or when individual buildings receive water quality test results confirming there is no issue with lead.

For a list of drinking water locations and status by building, click here: http://www.mun.ca/vpc/water-location.php . Please refer to signage in each building for instructions regarding drinking water locations. Individuals should bring reusable bottles to fill for their personal use.

Memorial continues to work with an accredited testing provider to analyze water quality in the 50 buildings on the main St. John’s campus.  The university will make bottled and/or filtered water available until it can confirm that customary sources of water meet the criteria within Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines (http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/pubs/water-eau/sum_guide-res_recom/index-eng.php#t2).

A question and answer document is available online, http://www.mun.ca/vpc/water-quality.php.


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