
News Release

REF NO.: 47

SUBJECT: PSA: The Vikings are coming to Memorial University

DATE: October 29, 2013

Some Memorial archaeology students will get a glimpse of the Viking era on Friday, Nov. 1, when the Sea Wolves Viking-Age re-enactment group conducts a weapons and experimental archaeology demonstration on the east lawn of Queen’s College on the St. John’s campus.
The demonstration is part of Shannon Lewis-Simpson’s archaeology 3592 course, Norse Archaeology. Dr Lewis-Simpson is keen for her students to get out of the books and think about how things worked in the medieval period.
The display takes place from 11 a.m. to noon.
The re-enactors will conduct battle manoeuvres and demonstrate how various types of weaponry would have been used. No student will be permitted to use the weapons, although they may handle them. Between demonstrations, there will be a discussion about the Viking Age.
Anyone interested in Viking or medieval warfare is welcome to view the demonstrations.
The foul weather plan is to conduct a modified display under covered porch of Queen’s College.

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