
News Release

REF NO.: 3

SUBJECT: Memorial University joins Terry Fox’s CAUSE on Campus

DATE: September 6, 2012

Terry Fox united a nation 32 years ago with his Marathon of Hope. This fall students at universities across Canada are uniting to celebrate his legacy and raise money for cancer research.
Students at Memorial University are uniting with fellow students across Canada to honour and celebrate Canadian hero Terry Fox and his legacy for cancer research as part of a new national university and college campus initiative called Terry’s CAUSE (College and University Student Engagement)
 on Campus.
The coast-to-coast initiative is being launched today by The Terry Fox Foundation (TFF) and The Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI) in partnership with Memorial and seven other Canadian universities. Each institution will hold a major campus event over the next six weeks, including runs and other fundraisers. All proceeds will go to The Terry Fox Foundation to be invested by The Terry Fox Research Institute in cancer research.
As part of the launch, two videos have been released: a promotional video including clips from partner institutions, as well as a special message from the Governor General of Canada.The videos can be found at http://youtu.be/15JxEjOc_lQ and http://youtu.be/tq8cTG-tyTE.
“We are thrilled with the enthusiasm and support that students, organizers and leaders at Memorial University have shown for Terry’s CAUSE on Campus,” said Mr. Darrell Fox, brother of Terry and a special adviser with The Terry Fox Research Institute, who is spearheading the national initiative.
 “Terry began planning and training for his Marathon of Hope while he was a first-year university student. He would be pleased and honoured to know that students here and across Canada continue to be inspired by him and are joining together to support his dream – our dream – of ending cancer. We are extremely grateful to each and every person involved in this new initiative for helping to make a difference.”
“The Terry Fox Foundation is extremely pleased to be launching this new initiative in partnership with TFRI and our supporter institutions at universities from coast to coast,” said Rhonda Risebrough, Terry’s CAUSE on Campus provincial director (Alberta, Nunavut and Northwest Territories) and a member of the TCC executive committee. “It is a wonderful tribute to Terry Fox and his legacy by students who today are largely the same age that Terry was when he began training for his Marathon of Hope. At 18, he was a university student. At 19, he was a cancer patient. At 21, he was a hero.”
Also participating in Terry’s CAUSE on Campus this fall are Carleton University (Ontario), Dalhousie University (Nova Scotia), McMaster University (Ontario), Queen’s University (Ontario), Simon Fraser University (British Columbia), University of Calgary (Alberta) and the University of Toronto (Ontario). Terry’s CAUSE on Campus is expected to draw thousands of university students, many of whom will be attending their first year.
“As the starting point for his marathon of hope, Terry’s legacy will always have a special meaning here in Newfoundland,” said Dr. Rob Shea, deputy provost and associate vice-president (academic) pro-tempore. “As a member of the national executive board, I am delighted that Memorial could be one of the nine post-secondary insititutions to help launch Terry’s CAUSE on Campus. Memorial fosters a culture of support and our students have always demonstrated a strong commitment to social advocacy, so I have no doubt that Terry’s cause will develop a huge local following.”
“Students here at Memorial are very excited to continue Terry’s legacy and to band together with students across the country to support this worthwhile cause,” said Rebecca Stuckey, executive director of student life with the Memorial University of Newfoundland Students’ Union.
Memorial will hold its run on Thursday, Sept. 20, at 12 p.m. around Long Pond. Registration will be available online or at 11 a.m. at the Splash Facility on the edge of the pond.
Terry’s CAUSE on Campus is expected to grow with a number of other universities planning events on their campuses for 2013. It will become an annual Canadian university and college initiative.
Complete details are available at www.terryfox.org/terryscauseoncampus.
 Students at Memorial can register online at www.terryfox.org/CauseCampus/Test_tables.html.
The Terry Fox Foundation (TFF) maintains the vision and principles of Terry Fox while raising money for cancer research through the annual Terry Fox Run, National School Run Day and other fundraising initiatives which, to date, have raised over $600 million worldwide. Launched in October 2007, The Terry Fox Research Institute (TFRI) is the brainchild of The Terry Fox Foundation (TFF). TFRI seeks to improve significantly the outcomes of cancer research for the patient through a highly collaborative, team-oriented, milestone-based approach to research that will enable discoveries to translate quickly into practical solutions for cancer patients worldwide. TFRI collaborates with over 50 cancer hospitals and research organizations across Canada. For more information, visit www.terryfox.org and www.tfri.ca.  

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